
  1. 这种永恒蕴含着一种永远的朴素与淡定,散发着低调的优雅品质,而这一切在THEDRESSCODE的文献描述中并不是虚无抽象的,而是真实、具象、可操作的。

    This immutability implies a kind of eternal everlasting simple and calm and exudes understated elegance quality . And all this is not abstract in THE DRESS CODE document description but real , concrete , actionable .

  2. 关于阿霉素的神经毒性作用已经有各种文献描述其作用机制。

    With regard to neurotoxic effect of adriamycin , the mechanism of its action have already described .

  3. 这部文献描述年轻人,被一种禁绝性行为的,基督教所吸引。

    This document depicts young people who are attracted to a version of Christianity that forbids having sex entirely .

  4. 通过分析文献描述的针灸治疗案例,实现了因子分析算法。

    Factor analysis algorithms have been implemented by analysis of the acupuncture treatment cases described in the related literatures .

  5. 近年来,在国外博弈论研究中,已经有文献描述基于有限自动机的重复博弈理论。

    In recently years , there already have some literature about game theory research in the overseas describing repeated game theory based on bounded automata .

  6. 胎儿肾上腺的重量及体积明显小于肾脏,与文献描述的不同。

    The weight and volume of the fetal adrenal gland are apparently smaller than that of the , kidney , which is different from the literatures reported .

  7. 同时为了应对文献描述技术与方法的日新月异,必须对不同层面的文献编目人员适时地进行培训和业务交流,提高他们的业务素质。

    At the same time , it suggests that cataloguing staff in different levels should be trained timely and have essential vocational study to improve their professional skills .

  8. 结合大量文献描述和实例调研,对北京私家园林的理水手法进行了探讨和总结。

    With a lot of document descriptions and actual examples and investigations , the water feature design skills of Beijing private gardens are discussed and summarized in this paper .

  9. 评价内容包括文献描述的疾病诊断标准、随机化方法、盲法、对照、结果报告和结论推导等。

    The evaluation content were consisted of disease diagnostic criteria , randomization method , blind method , contrast control , result report and conclusion deduction etc that described in the literatures .

  10. 尽管已有许多作者对此进行了大量观察,但还有一些结构很少见有报道或几乎未见文献描述,不能满足临床需要。

    Many authors have done much research work on this subject , but there are still some structures which have been reported by few authors or nearly no description in literature . So at present the available descriptions on subarachnoid cisterns of sellar region can not satisfy clinical needs .

  11. 基于DC与RDF的数字化地方文献资源描述

    Description of Digital Local Documents Based on DC and RDF

  12. 碳源同化试验及糖发酵试验均具有特异性,与参考文献所描述的红发夫酵母形态和生化试验结果基本相吻合。

    The results of carbon source assimilation and sugar fermentation are significantly distinctive , and in accordance with those described in references .

  13. 基于理论研究和文献,描述我国储蓄、消费、净出口和政府购买的特征。

    Based on the theoretical research and documentation , describes the saving , consumption , net exports and government purchase feature of China .

  14. 所以,随着地理空间数据生产者和用户数量的增加,利用适当的元数据文献来描述数据,将成为数据生产、存储、更新和再利用的必然趋势。

    So , with the increasing population of data producers and users , it is the inevitable trend that using proper metadata documents to produce , store , update and reuse data .

  15. 本文解剖观察了10具猪头部的植物性神经,描述了国内外文献没有描述的鼓室神经丛。

    In This paper , the author reported that head autonomic nerves in 10 pigs were dissected and observed , and the tympanic plexus which is composed of tympanic nerve , carotid tympanic nerve and facial nerve were firstly described .

  16. 实例仿真计算表明,在相同参数情况下,该类型液压脉冲信号发生器的脉冲速率比文献[1]描述的信号发生器的脉冲速率高出2倍左右,具有显著的优越性。

    By a simulating calculation , it is indicated that in the case of same parameters , the pulse rate produced by the hydraulic pulser is 2 times higher that described in the reference [ 1 ] , and this shows its remarkable advantages .

  17. 战争的性质和战争的胜负不应该只依据历史文献的描述来进行下结论,而应该从当时的情况再结合铜柱铭文进行研究分析,作出正确的判断。

    The nature of war and the outcome of the war should not be based solely on a description of historical documents to the conclusion , but should be combined with copper pillar was the case study of inscriptions , to make the right judgments .

  18. 它基于文献[2]所描述的一套系统预警(Earlywarning)方法(模型),针对日本航天大系统中面向空间平台EW问题展开了应用分析,所得结果令人满意。

    Basing on a set of system early warning method ( models ), which is described in reference [ 2 ] , it develops an applied research about " SPACE PLATFORM " early warning problem in aerospace large-scale system of Japan , which leads to content result .

  19. 文献中还描述了一种名叫“火管”(fire-tube)的武器,它被用作火焰喷射器,可以给3.5米(12英尺)高的敌人带来一场“火浴”。

    Accounts also describe a weapon called a " fire-tube " being used as a flamethrower to shower enemies with flames that were 3.5 meters ( 12 ft ) tall .

  20. 全部纳入的对照文献均未描述样本含量估算过程。

    All of included literatures had no description of the sample size estimation process .

  21. 根据相关文献,详细描述了这项技术的原理;

    According to relative documents , basic principle of the technique was dwelt on .

  22. 专家们确定这口青铜钟就是一份古文献中所描述的那口。

    The experts established the identity of the bronze bell with one described in an old document .

  23. 这一特性为文献[1]中描述的两个粒子体系的聚集过程的碰撞反应动力学提供了有用的旁证。

    This characteristic provides a useful evidence for the collision-reaction dynamics of aggregation process for the two-particle system described in Ref.

  24. 从而解释了车辆在起步时需要较大驱动力矩的原因。其结果亦解释了文献中所描述的起步过程现象。

    This gives explanation on some phenomena in vehicle starting process both found in real world and described in literature .

  25. 其次本部分对国外的文献进行了描述,发现国外学者的观点与国内大致是相同的。

    Second , this part of the foreign literature described and found the views of foreign scholars and domestic roughly the same .

  26. 许多主要因技术不当造成的针灸相关不良事件在已经出版的中文文献中均有描述。

    Many acupuncture-related adverse events , most of them owing to improper technique , have been described in the published Chinese literature .

  27. 住所迁移这个术语最早出现在社会学文献中,描述的是相对于非城市生活而言的城市生活所具有的非常一般化的特性。

    Urban mobility first appears in the sociological literature as term expressing rather generalized qualities of urban , as opposed to non-urban life .

  28. 第二章则是理论回顾和文献评论,描述学术界关于本课题研究的学术情况,同时论述本文研究问题的理论基础。

    The second chapter is the review of theories and literature , which relates the academic situation while arguing theoretical foundation of this research .

  29. 结论:对各期刊文献指标定量描述的结果可为医学期刊评价提供文献计量学依据。

    Conclusion : The results of the present study may be used as the quantitative bibliographic basis for the evaluation of medical periodicals in Henan Province .

  30. 方法采用文献综述、描述研究与分析相结合的方法,以现场调查资料、现有资料等进行经济学实证研究。

    Methods Materials from on the spot investigations and materials already available were used to conduct a positive economic study by means of combining document summaries with descriptive studies and analyses .