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  1. 他们必须经由罗湖火车站或文锦渡路进入或离开边境禁区。

    They must travel via Lo Wu KCR Station or Man Kam to road to enter and exit the frontier closed area .

  2. 文锦渡食物化验所的测试再度获香港认可处覆检确认,而有关蔬菜和奶类的测试范围亦获扩阔。

    The Man Kam To Food Laboratory 's accreditation status is re-affirmed and extended to cover more detailed testing of vegetables and milk .

  3. 香港与内地之间现有三条陆路边界通道,分别位于沙头角、文锦渡和落马洲。

    Lok Ma chau , Sha Tau Kok and Man Kam to are the three road crossing points between Hong Kong and the mainland .