
  • 网络Culture and Poetics
  1. 清:中古文化与诗学的一个重要概念

    Qing : An Important concept in Middle Ancient Period Culture and Poetics

  2. 近代学堂乐歌的文化与诗学阐释

    A Cultural and Poetic Interpretation of School Songs in Early Modern China

  3. 中国人的姓名中蕴涵着丰富的文化与诗学信息,而文学作品中的人物姓名则更是如此。

    The names of Chinese people contain rich cultural and literary implications , and it is even more of the case when it comes to the names of the characters in literary works .

  4. 小议文学翻译中姓名中的文化与诗学信息的流失与可能补偿策略&以《红楼梦》译本为例

    A tentative exploration of possible strategies for compensating the loss of cultural and literary implications in names of the characters in literary translations & taking example of the translation of The Story of The Stone

  5. 江南文化与江南诗学笔谈

    On the Culture to the South of The Yangtze and its Poetics

  6. 文化传播与诗学重构&现代传媒冲击下的文学与文学理论

    Culture Spreading and Poetics Re-construction & On Literature and Literary Theory under the Crash of Modern Media

  7. 当代中国诗学仍旧处于文化转型之中,表现为价值取向的危机、文化认同危机与诗学精神取向危机。

    Currently , Chinese poetics is undergoing the cultural transformation , and the challenge it confronts takes on three forms : the challenge of value orientation , the challenge of cultural identity and the challenge of the orientation of poetic spirit .