
  1. 论意与象之连结&以格式塔异质同构说切入观察

    On the Connection of Idea and Image & Observing by Gestalt Theory of Different Qualities Sharing same Structure

  2. 于是有格式塔心理学派异质同构或同形说之出现。

    So the theory of different qualities sharing same structure or the theory of same form of Gestalt psychology school appears .

  3. 这一诉求是和新时期以来把现代化再度作为民族国家建设的目标这一想象同构的,或者说它是一种策略,通过这种诉求和策略来达到一种新的自我认同以及国家认同。

    Such an appeal was compatible with the target of modernization for the national construction since the new period , or in other words , it was a strategy by which a new self-acceptance and national acceptance could be reached .