
tóng móu
  • accomplice;be of complicity;conspire;accessory;aid and abet;confederate;conspire with sb
同谋 [tóng móu]
  • (1) [conspire;be of complicity;aid and abet]∶共谋,一同谋划

  • 不敢与他同谋

  • (2) [accomplice;confederate]∶参与谋划的人

  • 同谋多人。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • 不做你的同谋

同谋[tóng móu]
  1. 他们同谋奸诈,要害你的百姓,彼此商议,要害你所隐藏的人。

    With cunning they conspire against your people ; they plot against those you cherish .

  2. 他们怀疑他兄弟是同谋。

    They suspected his brother was an accomplice .

  3. 警方正在调查他何时开始计划逃跑以及他的同谋有谁。

    The police are investigating when he began planning his escape and who his accomplices were .

  4. 他涉嫌为这次凶杀案的同谋。

    He is suspected as an accomplice of the murder .

  5. 警方发现他与一些军官同谋企图推翻政府。

    The police discovered his conspiracy to overthrow the government with some army officers .

  6. 他是这个杀人凶手的同谋。

    He is an accessory to the murderer .

  7. 整个当时的DV运动,实际上是几股潮流的同谋。

    The whole DV movements actually was a confluence of several trends .

  8. 他因涉嫌同谋犯罪而被捕。

    He was arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to the crime .

  9. 上周他还暗示英国央行(bankofengland)是巴克莱不当行为的同谋,试图对他的指控者们进行抨击。

    Even this week , he sought to throw sand in the faces of his accusers by implying the Bank of England had been complicit in wrongdoing .

  10. 实际上,这项指控涉及25名未提及姓名的同谋&从FIFA官员到南非世界杯申办委员会的一名官员。

    Indeed , the indictment refers to 25 unnamed co-conspirators , from FIFA officials to a South Africa World Cup bid committee official .

  11. 伊朗对这份报告十分恼火,称报告显示出iaea和天野之弥是华盛顿方面的同谋。

    Iran is already reacting angrily to the report , arguing that it suggests the IAEA and Mr Amano are in cahoots with Washington .

  12. 这些文件涉及到39家总部设在维多利亚的企业,澳大利亚移民和公民部(DIAC)和澳大利亚联邦警察(AFP)正在对这场骗局中的同谋者进行调查。

    The documents relate to39 businesses based in Victoria and those complicit in the scam are being investigated by both DIAC and the AFP .

  13. 改进的TTS密钥协商协议,以很小的计算代价使原TTS协议在密钥证实性、源认证和抗同谋破解上有了很大改善。

    The improved TTS key negotiation protocol , with small calculation cost , makes great progress in key verification , data source authentication and resist inners attack .

  14. 在一个用如今的话可称为男性亲密关系形成的瞬间里,HenryHolland这个充当内鬼的银行职员,温柔地问他的同谋,“允许我对你直呼Alfred吗?”

    In what would now be called a moment of male bonding the renegade bank clerk , Henry Holland ( played by Alec Guinness ), tenderly asks his co-conspirator ," May I call you Alfred ?"

  15. 詹宁斯·福克·卡特(JenningsFaulkCarter)提供了最丰富的资料,他是卡波特的表(堂)兄,也是杜鲁和妮尔童年历险的同谋小伙伴。

    Some of the richest material came from Jennings Faulk Carter , Mr. Capote 's cousin and a frequent co-conspirator during Tru and Nelle 's escapades .

  16. 起诉书中没有说这名高级官员知道这些钱被用作贿赂,此外,与其他许多FIFA官员和营销高管不同,瓦尔克在本案的材料中没有被列为本案同谋。

    The indictment does not say that the high-ranking official knew that the money was being used as a bribe and , unlike many other FIFA officials and marketing executives , Mr. Valcke is not identified as a co-conspirator in the document .

  17. 然而,人们好像没法听到库阿奇(Kouachi)兄弟和他们的同谋阿米迪•库利巴利(AmedyCoulibaly)的话一样。

    Yet it was if the words of the Kouachi brothers and their accomplice , Amedy Coulibaly , could not be heard .

  18. 去年11月份,美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德(EricHolder)宣布,包括KhalidSheikhMohammed在内的5名9.11袭击同谋将因为对纽约,华盛顿和宾夕法尼亚的袭击在纽约市联邦法庭接受审判。

    Possible Shift on US Terror Trial Alarms Human Rights Groups Last November , U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced that five alleged conspirators of the 9-11 attacks including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would go on trial in a federal court in New York City in connection with the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York , Washington and Pennsylvania .

  19. 他因是谋杀案的同谋而被判刑。

    He was sentenced for being an accessory to the murder .

  20. 他被指控为该罪的同谋者。

    He was indicted as being accessory man to the crime .

  21. 那小偷不是一个人,我们知道他还有个同谋。

    The thief was not alone.We know he had an accomplice .

  22. 大众的笑是普遍堕落的同谋。

    The laughter of all is the accomplice of universal degradation .

  23. 不过她保持了沉默,成了一个同谋。

    But she said nothing , and so became an accessory .

  24. 后来警察以同谋谋杀罪逮捕他。

    Later police arrested him on charge of conspiracy to murder .

  25. 我不能相信默利也是同谋。

    I can 't believe maury 's in on it too .

  26. 我将指控你们犯有事后同谋罪。

    I 'm charging you with accessory after the fact .

  27. 我肯定她跟他们同谋。

    I 'm sure she 's in on their plans .

  28. 托尼:我想维克多?查普曼和泰特先生是同谋。

    TONY : I think Victor Chapman and Mr. Tate are partners .

  29. 他们离开房间后,他朝我像同谋似地眨了眨眼。

    He gave me a conspiratorial wink as they left the room .

  30. 我会起诉你是谋杀案同谋。

    I 'm gonna charge you with accessory to murder .