
  • 网络Company of Heroes;COH;Heroes;RelicCOH
  1. 我在英雄连服役。

    I served ina company of heroes .

  2. 世嘉还奉上了以二战为背景的《英雄连2》(CompanyofHeroesII),将这个策略游戏带上了俄国战场前线。

    In addition Sega offered up the world war II-themed company of Heroes II , which is taking the series ' tactical gameplay to the Russian front .

  3. 增加默认能发声的最小音量,现在应该和原版英雄连相同。

    Increased the default volume mix output , should now be equivalent to original CoH .

  4. “英雄连”是一个梦想。它见证了老挝的曙光但是它继续着它唤醒第三个千年的英雄的光荣使命。

    Heroes Company is the dream : it saw the light in Laos but it continues its mission by giving a voice to the heroes of the third millennium .

  5. 里克曼能将恶棍演绎的如此可爱以至于很难有人超越他——这些角色常常是秘密英雄,就连真正的英雄也不知情。

    It 's hard to think of anyone who played villains more lovably than Rickman - they 're often secretly the hero , even if the actual hero hasn 't been told .