
  • 网络no more heroes
  1. 软件生产中的英雄不再是那些救火人员,而是能够找到导致缺陷的过程原因或对过程遵守良好的人员。

    The hero of software production is no longer the fireman who is component of fixing bugs but the person who find the causes of the defects or who obey the process well .

  2. 归来的英雄们不再抱有这样神圣和毫无疑问的热忱,而这种热忱却是他们的父辈,祖父辈典型的特质。

    Alas ! The returning heroes were no longer animated with that holy and unquestioning zeal which had been so characteristic of their parents and grandfathers .

  3. 这些在海外建国的英雄们不再夸示武功,而是笃信儒家礼制,推崇文治。

    These heroes who have established their oversea state no longer display their military muscles ; rather , they are following Confucian rituals and carrying out a civilized ruling .

  4. 指出传统的刚性管理和英雄式领导人不再适合学习型组织的管理,柔性管理、领导角色转变以及团队式管理是学习型组织管理的基本特征。

    Traditional rigid management and heroic leader will no longer fit the learning organization . Flexible management , leader role transformation , team management are the basic features of the learning organization management . 7 .

  5. 一个轻易忘记英雄的民族终将不再产生英雄。

    Easily forget the heroes of a nation will no longer have a hero fianlly .