
  • League of Legends;LOL;League of Heroes
  1. 周日,这种激动人心的场面在首尔得到了展现。超过四万名游戏迷坐满了曾经举办过2002年世界杯半决赛的露天足球场,观看《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)世界锦标赛,这是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一。

    Such excitement was on display in Seoul on Sunday , when more than 40000 fans filled the outdoor soccer stadium used for the 2002 World Cup semifinal to watch the world championship for League of Legends , one of the world 's most popular games .

  2. 《英雄联盟》是当下全球最火的电竞游戏,玩家超过8500万人。

    League of Legends is currently the most popular eSports game in the world with over 85 million players across the globe .

  3. 去年秋天,RiotGames公司将全美《英雄联盟》冠军赛总决赛搬到了洛杉矶湖人队和国王队的主场——斯台普斯中心,并且门票被抢购一空。

    Last fall , Riot Games sold out the Staples Center for its League of Legends Championship Series Finals .

  4. RiotGames游戏公司的多用户版《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)是全世界玩家最多的游戏。

    Riot Games ' League of legends is , by multiple accounts , the most-played video game in the world .

  5. 美国游戏公司RiotGames开发的《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)在中国大陆地区乃至全世界都拥有超高人气。

    One of the most popular free-to-play games in China , as well as the rest of the world , is Riot Games " League of Legends .

  6. 今年2月,RiotGames举办了其第一届北美大学生锦标赛(NorthAmericanCollegiateChampionship),它类似于该公司人气对战游戏《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)的四强决赛。

    Last February , Riot Games hosted its first North American Collegiate Championship , something like the Final Four for League of Legends , Riot 's popular online battle game .

  7. HBO也找到RiotGames公司,利用《英雄联盟》这个平台向游戏玩家们推广第四季《权力的游戏》。

    HBO reached out to Riot Games and used the League of Legends online audience to promote the launch of the fourth season of Game of Thrones .

  8. 预计公司将公布“英雄联盟”(LeaguesofLegend)收入的最新数据,同时“地下城与勇士”(DungeonFighter)、“穿越火线”(Crossfire)和“剑灵”(BladeandSoul)等微信游戏出现强劲增长。

    Expect an update on revenues from Leagues of Legend and solid growth of WeChat games including Dungeon Fighter and Crossfire , and Blade and Soul .

  9. 为了促进两家的合作,我们最近还在Twitter上建立了@cokeesports官方账号,作为我们品牌与《英雄联盟》爱好者交流的阵地。

    To help promote the partnership , we recently launched @ cokeesports on Twitter as a place for the brand to engage with fans through our activation with League of Legends .

  10. Supercell首席执行官伊尔卡·帕纳宁(IlkkaPaananen)表示,腾讯允许Riot独立发展《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)的过往记录消除了这方面的担忧。

    Ilkka Paananen , the chief executive of Supercell , said Tencent 's track record of allowing Riot to build out League of Legends on its own was reassuring .

  11. 它掌握着热门游戏《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)的开发商RiotGames和欧洲移动游戏开发商Miniclip的控股权,并持有韩国CJGames的股份。

    The company controls Riot Games , which created the hugely popular League of Legends , and the European mobile game maker Miniclip . It also has a stake in CJ Games of South Korea .

  12. 2006年,RiotGames公司创始人马克•美林和布兰登•贝克进行了一次豪赌,让他们的主打新游戏《英雄联盟》采取免费+增值模式。

    Back in 2006 , riot games founders Marc Merrill and Brandon Beck made a bet that their new hardcore MoBa experience , League of legends , would work as a free title with optional upgrades .

  13. 今年年初,零度可口可乐(CokeZero)与RiotGames公司合作发起了挑战者系列赛,为业余《英雄联盟》玩家进军职业联赛提供了一次机会。

    Earlier this year , Coke Zero kicked off its partnership with Riot Games with the development of the Challenger Series , a series for amateur League of Legend gamers to compete for a spot in the professional league .

  14. 开课的第一年,校方会在Dota2、英雄联盟(LOL)、反恐精英(CS)和星际争霸2中挑选出2款电竞游戏。

    Two will be offered in the first year , with Dota 2 , League of Legends , Counter-Strike : Global Offensive , and Starcraft II all under consideration .

  15. 除此之外,腾讯还持有RiotGames——热门电脑游戏《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)的开发商——的控股权。据研究公司SuperData,《英雄联盟》约有9840万玩家,每月收益1.5亿美元。

    The company also owns Riot Games , the maker of League of Legends , a blockbuster PC battle game with an estimated 98.4 million players and $ 150 million a month in revenue , according to SuperData Research .

  16. 随着韩国游戏开发商削减网游投资,以尝试专注于手游开发,它们在网游市场上的主导地位受到RiotGames的《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)和暴雪娱乐(BlizzardEntertainment)的《守望先锋》(Overwatch)等海外游戏的冲击。

    As Korean developers have slashedinvestment in online games to try to focus on mobile , their online dominancehas been eroded by overseas-made games such as Riot Games " Leagueof Legends and Blizzard Entertainment 's Overwatch .

  17. 零度可乐与《英雄联盟》携手,同时与Riot合作开始一个全新的系列业余比赛将会给玩家们带来一些特别的东西,并在国际体育界将电子竞技提升到全新高度。

    Pairing coke zero with League of legends and collaborating with riot on a new Amateur series will bring something special to the players and help elevate eSports to a new level in the world of international sports .

  18. CJEntus是由CJGames赞助的战队,在2012年的英雄联盟世锦赛上取得了第二名。CJEntus的一名玩家回忆说,一名女粉丝曾连续两年追随他的比赛,为他拍照。

    One of the players on CJ Entus , a team sponsored by CJ Games that came in second in the League of Legends world championship in 2012 , recalled how a female fan followed him to competitions for two years taking photos .

  19. 腾讯(Tencent)持有多家硅谷企业的股权,例如信息应用Snapchat、处境艰难的电商网站Fab.com,以及大受欢迎的在线多人游戏《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)开发商RiotGames(腾讯后来收购了这家公司)。

    Tencent has a stake in a number of companies including Snapchat , the messaging app , Fab.com , the struggling ecommerce site , and Riot Games , maker of the hugely popular online multiplayer game League of Legends , which the Chinese company later acquired .

  20. 日产(Nissan)北美公司互动与社交媒体营销总监埃里希o马尔克斯就选择与《英雄联盟》的Curse战队合作,因为马尔克斯和他的团队里的许多成员都是电竞玩家或爱好者,而且他们也非常看好电竞的发展前景。

    Erich Marx , director of Interactive & Social Media Marketing at Nissan North America , partnered with League of Legends Team Curse because he and many people on his team are gamers , technologists and fans of eSports and they believe in its potential .

  21. 据该校体育部副主任库尔特·梅尔彻(KurtMelcher)透露,这些学生都是《英雄联盟》的玩家,他们已经获得了最多相当于一半学费和食宿费——大约一年3.9万美元——的奖学金。

    The students , all League of Legends players , are getting up to 50 percent of the price of tuition and room and board , which runs about $ 39000 a year , according to Kurt Melcher , the university 's associate athletic director .

  22. 更多的玩家能够尝试《英雄联盟》。

    More players were able to try League of legends .

  23. 英雄联盟让玩家能够观察游戏任何进程的模式。

    League of Legends enables players to observe games in progress in Spectator Mode .

  24. 这些玩家中有许多也会参加另一个大学联盟“常春藤英雄联盟”(IvyLoL)所组织的比赛。

    Many of those players also participate in matches organized by another collegiate league , IvyLoL .

  25. 因此,《英雄联盟》的专业玩家纷纷与各大品牌签约。

    As a result , those playing the game professionally are working with some big brands .

  26. 毫无疑问,这使《英雄联盟》成了世界上最流行的游戏。

    Without a doubt , this makes League of legends the most popular game on the planet .

  27. 在一项研究中,约克大学的研究团队将人们在《英雄联盟》中的表现和标准书面智商测试中的得分做了比较。

    In one study , the York team matched performance in League of Legends with scores from standard pen-and-paper intelligence tests .

  28. 《英雄联盟》受益于电子竞技游戏业的蓬勃发展,如今已成为中国大陆地区以及世界其他地区玩家甚众的大型游戏。

    The game , which thrives of eSports , has become a huge spectator sport in China , as well as throughout the rest of the world .

  29. 《英雄联盟》和《遗迹保卫战2》都是多人在线竞技游戏,这种动作策略战争游戏通常由五人小组对战。

    League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .

  30. 总部位于加州西洛杉矶的拳头游戏公司出品的即时战略游戏《英雄联盟》广受欢迎,而类似的游戏还有很多。

    Games like ' League of Legends , ' a free-to-play strategy game created by Riot Games based in West Los Angeles , California , are wildly popular .