
  • 网络Giri;Gillis;Jiri
  1. 泰丽莎,这是我的同事,吉里。

    Tereza , this is my colleague jiri .

  2. 用文献〔1〕提供的萨庇(Sarpy)壤土和吉里(Geary)粉壤上实验成果,对文中结论做了验证。

    With the experiment result on Sarpy loamy soil and Geary mealy loamy soil listed in reference [ 1 ] , the conclusion is verified .

  3. 新疆巴楚瓦吉里塔格金伯利岩矿物中岩浆包裹体研究

    A research on magmatic inclusions in minerals from kimberlite in Bachu County Xinjiang China

  4. 尤文图斯主席乔瓦尼?科波里?吉里向球迷保证吉吉?布丰不会被卖到米兰。

    Juventus president Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has reassured fans that Gigi Buffon will not be sold to milan .

  5. 来自澳大利亚15岁的小伙子拉克兰·菲尔普斯,用迪吉里杜管连续吹奏同一个音符65.6秒。

    15-year-old Lachlan Phelps of Australia ( obviously ) held the same note on a didgeridoo for 65.6 seconds .

  6. 时间流逝,吉里什开始得知古鲁是静静地打开门徒内在生命的人。

    As time passed , Girish began to learn that the guru is the one who silently unfolds the disciple 's inner life .

  7. 白当地居民从土著的文化产物的旅游工业来获取利益,比如迪吉里杜管和回飞棒。

    And it is only the white locals who profit from the tourist industry by peddling Aboriginal cultural artifacts such as didgeridoos and boomerangs .

  8. 一些世界中男高音,如卡鲁索、帕瓦洛蒂、吉里等正是融合了“靠前”派和“靠后”派不同的艺术特质,成为自然歌唱的光辉典范的。

    Some tenors in the world such as Caruta , Pawaroty , and Gilly set splendid examples for many to follow by integrating the different artistic properties in these two theories .

  9. 在西方世界正在意识到肥胖症问题的可怕之时,吉里安医生巧言加以点播,而她的方法确实奏效。

    At a time when the Western world is waking up to the nightmare of obesity problems , Dr Gillian is a voice of inspiration , and her method actually works .

  10. 最有名的中国风汉堡或许是肉夹馍——烘烤过的白吉馍里塞满了切碎的炖肉。

    The best-known Chinese-style burger perhaps is Roujiamo -- shredded braised meat stuffed in baked leavened bread .

  11. 你不是看到吉英信里说吗&连他自己最要好的朋友也相信他不会跟她结婚。

    His most particular friend , you see by Jane 's account , was persuaded of his never intending to marry her .

  12. 不过她们一离开了饭厅,就重新做出百般温柔体贴的样子,来到吉英房间里,一直陪着她坐到喝咖啡的时候。

    With a renewal of tenderness , however , they repaired to her room on leaving the dining-parlour , and sat with her till summoned to coffee .

  13. 昨天在罗吉的家里,一个要送给威廉的备用神龛同圣诞树一起被摆在了卧室靠窗的角落里。

    At the Rodriguez family 's home yesterday , a make-shift shrine to Williamshared the corner of the living room by the window with the Christmas tree .

  14. 于是吉英从口袋里掏出那封信,递给伊丽莎白。

    Jane then took it from her pocket-book , and gave it to Elizabeth .

  15. 新闻称这对夫妇又在一起了,但“绝对不会复合”。“考虑到吉吉在假期里为泽恩妈妈做了炸鸡,也许2020年将是他们的一年?”

    News that the couple was speaking again , but " definitely not getting back together . " Considering Gigi made Zayn 's mom 's chicken over the holidays , maybe 2020 will be their year ?

  16. 预计,繁荣进步党领袖吉格梅.廷里将成为不丹总理。他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅.廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。

    DPT President Jigmi Thinley is expected to be the country 's next prime minister , a post he has held twice before . But this time , he will lead the country as Bhutan 's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful .