
wén wù ɡōnɡ zuò
  • archeological work
  1. 甘肃文物工作与西部大开发

    Cultural Relics of Gansu Province and the Development of West China

  2. (七)长期从事文物工作有显著成绩的。

    Long-time service and outstanding achievements in the field of cultural relics .

  3. 2003年7月,洛阳市文物工作队在洛阳东车站清理了两周时期的墓葬5座,出土了铜器、陶器及玉石器等器物。

    Five tombs of the Western and Eastern Zhou dynasties were excavated at the East Railway Station of Luoyang .

  4. 文物工作基础知识讲座第四讲文物管理(下)

    Lectures on Basic Knowledge of Cultural Relic Work & Lecture Four : The Management of Cultural Relics ( Second Half );

  5. 最终不得不放弃文学创作。(二)、文物工作上的可喜成就。

    Finally , he had to give up the literary creation . ( b ), the work of cultural relics on the gratifying achievements .

  6. 文物工作人员对所管理的文物监守自盗的,依法从重处罚。

    Personnel working in the field of cultural relics who steal cultural relics placed under their care shall be punished severely according to law .

  7. 1986-1996年安阳考古工作回顾&纪念安阳市文物工作队建队十周年

    A Review of Archaeological work in Anyang from 1986 to 1996 : In Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the Anyang Municipal Archaeological Team

  8. 2001年3月驻马店市文物工作队对正阳县李冢汉墓群5号和6号墓进行了发掘。

    In March , 2001 , The work team of cultural relics in Zhumadian excavated the No. 5 and 6 Han tombs of Lizhong , Zhengyang county .

  9. 而对历史文化遗址的保护是文物工作中的重要环节,也是文物保护单位多年来在保护工作中的难点与重点之一。

    And the protection of historical and cultural sites is an important link of the work related to cultural relics , and also for the protection of cultural relics protection unit for many years in one of the difficulties with emphasis .

  10. 本文根据甘肃文物工作的优势与特点,阐述了西部大开发中如何发挥文物工作的地位与作用问题,提出了既有利于文物保护利用工作,又使文物工作与经济发展相结合的建议。

    Basing the study on the assets and features of the Gansu cultural relics management , the author explains how they can be made best use of in the economic development of West China as well as what protection measures can be taken to ensure their preservation .

  11. 新中国文物保护工作50年

    Five Decades of Cultural Relics Protection in the New China

  12. 文物考古工作成果能够丰富、扩展人文资源。

    Fruits of archaeological work can enrich , and enlarge human cultural potentials .

  13. 负责开发区的环境保护和文物保护工作;

    To take charge of the protection of environments and cultural relics in the ETDZ .

  14. 保国寺大殿结构的力学分析结果,为文物保护工作提供了科学依据。

    The structural analysis of the Hall has provided scientific basis for the preservation of cultural relics .

  15. 这也是中国第一次在公海海底进行文物发掘工作。

    This is the first time that China has conducted undersea excavation work in the open seas .

  16. 新中国成立至今已经50多年了,文物保护工作取得了旧中国无法比拟的巨大成就。

    In the first five decades of the New China , cultural relics protection work achieved unprecedented successes .

  17. 本文介绍了几个较为成功的保护实例,同时指出澳洲文物保护工作对我国重要的启示意义。

    This paper presents some successful examples in conservation and sums up the significance of heritage conservation in Australia to China .

  18. 一名在现场维持秩序的文物考古工作人员表示,市文物考古研究所已派专人看守古墓。

    A personnel at the archaeological site introduced that some designated personnel has been sent to keep watch over the tomb .

  19. 在此基础上,逐渐探索出一套适合安徽特点的遥感考古工作方法,为在安徽考古和文物保护工作中系统地开展遥感考古创造了条件。

    A suite of remote sensing archaeological methods are gradually summed up , which create conditions for systematically carrying out the work .

  20. 做好文物保护工作,既取决于人们的观念、相应的文化设施,也取决于政府的投入。

    Carrying out preservation of cultural relics well depends on people 's ideas and cultural facilities , the investigation of the governments .

  21. 阐述了现代隔震技术的发展、研究现状以及隔震装置在文物防震工作中的应用情况。

    The development of modern isolating technique and its current situation , and isolator applications on protection of cultural relics from quake were explained .

  22. 基本建设、旅游发展必须遵守文物保护工作的方针,其活动不得对文物造成损害。

    Infrastructure constructions and tourism development must comply with the principles for the protection of cultural relics , and may not damage cultural relics .

  23. 本实用新型公开了一种文物修复工作台,由台架和水平置于其上的台面构成;

    The utility model discloses a relic restoration working platform which comprises a platform frame and a platform surface horizontally arranged on the platform frame ;

  24. 另一方面,文物保护工作近年来也取得了很大的进步,随之而来的文物修复以及重建工作也在如火如荼地进行。

    On the other hand , the conservation work in recent years has also made great progress , heritage repair and reconstruction of the attendant also in full swing .

  25. 加强图书馆、博物馆、文化馆、科技馆、档案馆等公共文化和体育设施建设,做好文物保护工作。

    We will protect cultural relics and build more libraries , museums , cultural centers , science and technology centers , archives and other public cultural and sports establishments .

  26. 由于文物保护工作的专业性和特殊性,一些文物保护单位在记录档案的建档工作中遇到了一些具体的问题。

    Due to the specialism and professionalism of the heritage conservation work , some of the units have met some specific problems in the work of archiving recording files .

  27. 本章对针对第二章阐述的这三个方面存在的问题,提出了一些切实可行的建议,从而确保流失文物追索工作更为有效的开展。

    This chapter based on the three aspects of the second chapter , give some practical suggestions to help the recovery of lost cultural relics to carry out more effective .

  28. 遗址土体的表面差异风蚀现象,会加速遗址土体的破坏。土遗址的防风蚀保护是文物保护工作中的一个的重要研究课题。

    The different wind erosions of earthen sites surface will accelerate the destruction of site soil , anti weathering protection about earthen site is an important aspect of cultural relics preservation .

  29. 我们亦竭诚向公众展示和阐释文物保护工作,藉此增进市民对共同拥有的文化遗产的认识,探索及享受当中的乐趣,并肯定文物保育的价值。

    We are also committed to presenting and explaining our conservation work to the wider public to enhance their understanding and enjoyment and the value they place on our shared heritage .

  30. 复旦大学文博系考古队连续三年参加了三峡库区的文物抢救工作。

    The Archaeological Team of the Department of Cultural Relics and Museology , Fudan University , has been conducting salvage excavations in the Dam area of the Three Gorges for three years .