
  1. 航空复合材料技术的近期发展&欧洲2005年JEC复合材料展览会见闻

    Development of Aviation Composite Technology in Near Term & The Review of 2005 JEC Composite Show , Europe

  2. 航空复合材料车间物料配送系统的研究

    Research of material delivery system in aviation composite material workshop

  3. 航空复合材料树脂基体的现状及发展

    Present state and future development of the resin matrix in aircraft composite materials

  4. 航空复合材料技术发展的回顾和展望

    Review and Prospect of Aeronautical composite technology development

  5. 开展了4种铺层方式和2种边界条件下的高性能航空复合材料层合板T300/KH-304的稳定性研究。

    Research on the stability of high performance aeronautical composite laminate T300 / KH-304 under 4 ply methods and 2 boundary conditions are studied .

  6. 最后展望了光纤Bragg光栅传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用前景。

    Finally , the prospect of fiber Bragg grating sensor in the field of aerospace composite and structures health monitoring is set forth .

  7. 光纤光栅传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用

    Applications of fiber Bragg grating sensor for aerospace composite and structures health monitoring

  8. 航空结构复合材料对碳纤维的需求

    Reguirements of Aerospace Structural Composites for Carbon Fibers

  9. 详细介绍了其传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用和发展状况;

    The development and applications of fiber Bragg grating sensor for health monitoring in aerospace composite and structures are introduced in detail .

  10. 航空航天复合材料无损检测研究现状航空润滑油稀释倾点测定方法

    Review of NDE of Composite Materials in Aerospace Fields testing method for diluted pour point of lubricating oil for aircraft reciprocating engine

  11. 对某航空发动机复合材料外涵道机匣构件进行了结构有限元建模与线性屈曲特性的有限元分析。

    The structural finite element modelling and the finite element analysis of linear buckling characteristics of the composite by pass duct case of aeroengine are carried out .

  12. 航空用防弹复合材料弹道极限速度的估算

    Estimate of ballistic limit velocity of composite panels for aviation application

  13. 先进航空树脂基复合材料研究与应用进展

    Development and application of advanced aeronautical polymer matrix composites

  14. 航空航天结构复合材料湿热老化机理的研究

    Study on Hygrothermal Ageing Mechanisms of Aerospace Structural Composites

  15. 热压罐-铺层技术是现阶段航空、航天复合材料构件的主要成型方法,但使用该技术对航天领域大型复杂结构舱段进行整体成型的相关工艺研究很少。

    Nowadays autoclave-overlay technology is the main molding method to fabricate composite components applied in aerospace .

  16. 特别是对航空航天用复合材料产品,装配尺寸精度将直接影响到产品的外观及气动特性。

    Especially for aerospace composite products , assembly dimensional accuracy will directly affect the appearance and aerodynamic characteristics of the products .

  17. 用定向流动热梯度CVI工艺制备航空刹车用C/C复合材料的研究

    Research on the Fabrication of C / C Composites Used as Aircraft Disk Brakes by the Directional Flow Thermal Gradient CVI Process

  18. 因此,要提高航空刹车用C/C复合材料在制备技术和经济上的竞争力,必须研究开发出一种新型的可用于工业化规模生产的快速CVI增密工艺。

    Therefore , it is essential to develop a rapid CVI process which can be used to scale up in production to make it competitive in technology and economy .

  19. 化学气相渗透(CVI)是制备高性能C/C复合材料过程中(包括高性能航空刹车用C/C复合材料)实现材料增密的首选办法。

    Chemical vapor infiltration ( CVI ) is the first candidate for fabricating carbon / carbon ( C / C ) composites used as aircraft disk brakes where high performance is needed .

  20. 以炭布与炭纤维薄毡交替成叠层,采用针刺技术在垂直布面方向引入增强纤维,制成准三维预制体,在自行研制的热梯度CVI炉中制备了航空刹车用C/C复合材料;

    The carbon cloth and carbon fiber felt are laminated alternately and then needled to prepare the porous carbon / carbon preforms , from which the carbon / carbon composites for aircraft brakes are fabricated by the thermal gradient CVI process .

  21. 利用有限单元法,对航空发动机用C/SiC复合材料小喉衬的ICVI致密化行为进行了数值计算和分析。

    A mathematical model was proposed to characterize the densification behavior of a small scale thruster liner component of C / SiC composites for a rocket engine by the finite element method .

  22. 航空级树脂基复合材料的低成本制造技术

    Low Cost Manufacturing Technology of Resin Matrix Composites for Aeronautical Application

  23. 航空刹车用C/C复合材料断口分析

    Fractographic analysis of C / C composite for aircraft brakes

  24. 航空用缝编复合材料结构

    Aerospace Composite Structure Sewn Together

  25. 随着先进复合材料越来越多地应用在航空结构上,复合材料层合结构不可避免地存在各种各样的孔。

    With the advanced composite materials being widely used in aeronautic structures , there are various notches in structures .

  26. 炭化压力对沥青成焦形貌及航空刹车用C/C复合材料浸渍增密效果的影响

    Effect of carbonization pressure on the morphology of pitch derived carbon and densification efficiency of c / c composites used for aircraft brakes

  27. 因为其优异的力学性能和热性能,含杂环的芳香族共聚酰胺纤维广泛应用于军工航空、高性能复合材料等领域。

    With its excellent mechanical and thermal properties , heterocyclic aramid fibers are widely used in military , aviation , high-performance composite materials fields .

  28. 介绍了航空刹车用炭/炭(简称C/C)复合材料及其再生技术研究应用的国内外状况,以及航空发动机用C/C复合材料研究的最新进展,论述了目前研究中要解决的关键问题。

    The current situation of C / C composites used for aeroplane brake and engines in research and application at home and abroad is introduced , and the regeneration technologies of C / C composites are presented . The key problems to be solved in this field are also discussed .