
  • 网络toughness;Fracture Toughness;kic
  1. 国产508-Ⅲ钢低周疲劳和动态断裂韧度试验研究

    Test Research for Low Cycle Fatigue and Dynamics Fracture Toughness of Native 508 ⅲ Steel

  2. 混凝土断裂韧度K(ⅡC)的试验研究

    Experimental study on fracture toughness K_ (ⅱ c ) of concrete

  3. 冻土与界面断裂韧度KⅡC的实验研究

    Experimental study of fracture toughness K ⅱ C for frozen soil

  4. 威布尔分布是描述管道焊缝金属断裂韧度指标δC的最佳拟合分布函数。

    But the optimum fitting distribution of the fracture toughness δ _C is weibull distribution .

  5. 经多种数理统计检验,对断裂韧度指标δc的统计分布函数进行了统计拟合检验。

    The statistical distribution model was set up to fit the distribution function of fracture toughness δ c.

  6. R曲线法在焊缝金属延性断裂韧度测试中的应用研究

    Application of R Resistance Curve Method in Testing Ductility Fracture Toughness of Weld

  7. 海冰平面应变断裂韧度KIC

    Plane strain fracture toughness k_ ( ic ) of sea ice

  8. 延性断裂韧度J(ⅠC)测试中的钝化线方程

    Blunting line equation in ductile fracture toughness j_ (ⅰ c ) measurement

  9. 讨论了断裂韧度,并对确定应力强度因子K的方法作了阐述。

    The method for ascertaining the stress intensity of factor K is explored .

  10. 岩石三点弯曲圆梁断裂韧度K(IC)的测试研究

    An investigation for testing rock fracture toughness wth three-point bend round bars

  11. 剪切盒加载下岩石剪切(Ⅱ型)断裂韧度K(ⅡC)的测定

    Determination of shear ( Mode ⅱ) fracture toughness K_ (ⅱ C ) of rock using shear-box test

  12. 原状冻土I型断裂韧度K(Ic)试验研究

    Experimental research on fracture toughness K_ ( Ic ) of undisturbed frozen soil

  13. 两种材料的动态断裂韧度K(Id)的实验测定

    Experiment determination of dynamic fracture toughness K ID of two kinds of materials

  14. 三向石英复合材料的断裂韧度K(IC)的测试与分析

    Measuring and Analyzing on K_ ( IC ) of 3D SiO_2 / SiO_2 Composites

  15. 重轨钢动态断裂韧度K(Id)的试验研究

    Experimental study on dynamic fracture toughness k_ ( id ) of heavy rail steel

  16. 支承形式对楔入劈拉试件断裂韧度K(IC)的影响

    Effect of support forms on fracture toughness K_ (ⅰ C ) of wedge splitting specimens

  17. 利用临界空穴扩张比参数V(GC)表征材料的延性断裂韧度

    The Critical Void Growth Ratio V_ ( GC ) a New Ductile Fracture Toughness

  18. 动态弹塑性断裂韧度J(Ⅰd)测试方法研究

    Study of the method used for measuring dynamic elastic-plastic fracture toughness

  19. 加载速率对大理岩动态断裂韧度(K(1d))的影响

    Influence of loading rate on dynamic fracture toughness of marble

  20. 一种利用双悬臂梁试样确定断裂韧度K(IC)的测试方法

    A experimental technique for determining fracture toughness k_ ( ic ) by the use of DCB specimen

  21. 不同方法测定岩石断裂韧度K(IC)的研究

    Experimental Investigation on the Measurement of Fracture Toughness K_ ( IC ) of Rocks Using Different Methods

  22. 本文对岩石三点弯曲试样的切口曲率半径与其断裂韧度K(Ic)值间的关系进行了详细的实验研究及理论分析。

    The relation between rock fracture toughness K_ ( Ic ) and notch root radius in studied experimentally .

  23. 岩石断裂韧度K(IC)测试中的几个问题&裂纹亚临界扩展的研究

    Some Problems Concerning the Measurement of Rock Toughness K_ ( IC ) & Research into Subcritical Propagation of Cracks

  24. 高值弹塑性断裂韧度J积分

    High Value of Elastic-plastic Fracture Toughness J Integrate

  25. 应变疲劳对钢材延性断裂韧度J(IC)的影响

    Influence of strain fatigue on J_ ( IC ) & the ductile fracture toughness of steels

  26. PMMA断裂韧度尺寸相关性的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Size Dependence of Fracture Toughness of PMMA

  27. 纤维增强砂浆的断裂韧度K(1C)试验研究

    Experimental Research on Fracture Toughness K_ ( 1C ) of Fibre Reinforced Mortar

  28. 人字形切槽短圆棒断裂韧度试样及其BEM标定

    The chevron notched short rod fracture toughness specimen and its BEM calibration

  29. 本文通过试验研究了三点弯曲梁试件厚度对砂浆和混凝土断裂韧度K(Ic)的影响。

    By means of experiment , the influence of specimen thickness on fracture toughness KIC of mortar or concrete has been investigated .

  30. 结果表明,这三种Al2O3基复合陶瓷拉丝模材料具有较高抗弯强度和断裂韧度。

    Results show that the Al2O3-based ceramic composite has strong fracture toughness and wear resistance .