
  • 网络intelligent composite materials;intelligent material
  1. 本文介绍了小波包多尺度分析的基本原理,设计了振动状况下智能复合材料板损伤检测的实验装置。

    This article introduced essential principle of wavelet packet multi-scale analysis and design of experimental equipment of damage checking of intelligent composite materials under vibrating state .

  2. 应用智能复合材料修复与智能监测桥梁等基础设施

    Application of intelligent composite material in strengthening and monitoring bridges

  3. 本文采用时频分析方法进行Lamb波超声无损检测信号的处理,对其在智能复合材料结构损伤在线检测中的应用进行了研究。

    This paper investigates the analysis of ultrasonic Lamb wave in non-destructive testing ( NDT ) field and the application of time-frequency method in on-line damage monitoring of smart composite structures .

  4. 智能复合材料结构中偏振式光纤传感器系统的研究

    Research of polarized optic fiber sensors embedded in smart composite structure

  5. 用形状记忆合金的强度自适应智能复合材料初探

    Study of Shape Memory Alloy for Smart Composite of Self-adaptive Strength

  6. 光纤传感阵列用于智能复合材料状态监测的研究

    Study of optical fiber array for smart composite material state detection

  7. 智能复合材料光纤传感层的研究

    Study of Fiber-Optic Sensors Layer embedded in smart composite material and structure

  8. 智能复合材料结构荷载自识别问题研究

    A Review on Load Self-identification Methods For Smart Composite Materials and Structures

  9. 对智能复合材料单向疲劳失效的研究

    Research on the Fatique Failure Smart Composite under Unidirectional Stress

  10. 光纤智能复合材料结构的研究

    Research on the Structure Optic Fiber Smart Composite Material

  11. 强度自适应智能复合材料结构

    Mart composite structure w of self - adaptive strength

  12. 形状记忆合金智能复合材料自修复中传感与控制方法研究

    Research on sensing and control of shape memory alloy embedded in intelligent material

  13. 聚合物基智能复合材料研究

    Study on Polymer Matrix Smart Composite Materi al s

  14. 智能复合材料的增韧机理与能量释放率

    Toughening Mechanisms and Energy Release Rates of Smart Composites

  15. 单丝拔出法在光纤智能复合材料界面研究中的应用

    Interface Study of Smart Composite Material with Optical Fiber by Single-Fiber Pull-Out Test

  16. 基于小波神经网络的智能复合材料冲击损伤定位的研究

    Research on impact damage location in smart composite materials using wavelet neural network

  17. 智能复合材料结构在未来飞机上的应用

    Applications of smart composite structure in future aircraft

  18. 本文结合我们的工作,对形状记忆合金智能复合材料系统的研究与发展进行了综合评述。

    This paper is a review of the development of SMA smart composite systems .

  19. 光纤传感器在智能复合材料中的应用

    Application of fiber optical sensor in Composites

  20. 智能复合材料的研制及应用

    Development and application of intelligent composite material

  21. 形状记忆合金增强智能复合材料结构的自诊断、自修复功能的研究

    Study on self diagnosis and self repair function of shape memory alloy enhanced composite structure

  22. 胶囊型自修复智能复合材料研究

    Study of Capsuling Self-repairing Smart Composites

  23. 光纤自诊断系统是智能复合材料结构的重要组成部分。

    Diagnostic system with optic fiber sensors is the important development of smart material and structure .

  24. 智能复合材料中的应变测量

    Strain measurement in the smart composite

  25. 光纤智能复合材料

    Smart Composites with Embedded Optic-Fiber Sensors

  26. 埋入压电材料的智能复合材料结构振动主动控制理论和实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study of Active Vibration Control of Intelligent Composite Material Structures with Embedded Piezoceramics

  27. 智能复合材料的热力学特性

    Thermomechanical properties of Smart Composites

  28. 国内有关碳纤维树脂基智能复合材料自诊断特性研究的文献报导很少。

    But there are few domestic reports about the carbon fiber reinforced smart composites with self-diagnose character .

  29. 基于遗传神经网络的智能复合材料损伤检测传感器位置优化的研究

    Optimal Sensor Placement for Damage Detection in Smart Composite Material Based on Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks

  30. 智能复合材料结构综述

    Intelligent Compound Material Structures