
  1. 智障儿童主要是在记忆力和注意力这两方面需要帮助。

    Two major areas in which mentally retarded children require help are memory and attention .

  2. 其次,运用个案研究的方法,以兰州市F辅读学校为例(该学校是兰州市一所专门招收智障儿童的学校),研究了社会适应性校本课程的开发情况。

    Next , taking the dysgnosia school of Chengguan District in Lanzhou , which is a special school for recruiting dysgnosia children , as an example , the study employs the method of case study to learn about the development of school-based curriculum for social adaptability .

  3. 智障儿童生命维度语义障碍的实验研究

    A Semantic Experimental Research on Animate Dimension of Mentally Retarded Children

  4. 强化语言训练,发展智障儿童思维

    Strengthen the Language Practice , Develop the thought of Mental Retarded Children

  5. 上海市智障儿童学校开展心理健康教育状况的再分析

    Reanalysis of Mental Health Education in Schools for Mental Retarded Children in Shanghai

  6. 中重度智障儿童个别化教育计划实践研究

    A Practical Research on Individualized Education Program of Moderate and Severe Retarded Children

  7. 谈我国智障儿童集体音乐治疗中的疗效评价方法

    Method of Evaluation in China of Collective Music Therapy for Children with Intelligent Impediment

  8. 构建智障儿童普校良好教育安置模式的研究报告

    A Research Report on the Model of Adequate Education Allocation for Mentally Retarded Children

  9. 从社会工作视角看智障儿童家庭社会支持体系建设&上海市某区残联智力亲友会发展探索

    On Social Supporting System Construction of Mental Disabled Children Families from the Angle of Social Work

  10. 最后我们还提出针对中重度智障儿童体育康的基本原则和基本内容。

    Finally we propose moderate mentally disabled children sports for the basic principles and basic Cornwall content .

  11. 研究结果表明:音乐治疗对轻、中度智障儿童的注意力缺损方面有显著性的康复作用,特别是在智障儿童注意力的稳定性和灵活性方面其治疗效果更为显著。

    The result shows that the music therapy does help them to heal their attention , especially in their stability and flexibility .

  12. 前披头士乐队成员约翰列侬执行期间受益的慈善演唱会在麦迪逊广场花园8月30日,1972年,纽约智障儿童。

    Former Beatle John Lennon performs during a charity concert to benefit mentally challenged children at Madison Square Garden , Aug.30,1972 , New York .

  13. 根据智障儿童学校开展心理健康教育的现状和特点,作者提出了有关建议,为此类学校进一步开展该项工作提供参考。

    Some suggestions of improving MHE are proposed in this article based on the current situations and characteristics of MHE in schools for MR children .

  14. 基本运动能力训练对智障儿童智力发展的影响智障儿童生命维度语义障碍的实验研究

    Effect of Basic Motor Ability Training on Intelligential Development of Children with Intellectual Obstacle ; A Semantic Experimental Research on Animate Dimension of Mentally Retarded Children

  15. 通过调查问卷分析中重度智障儿童的适应能力平均得分不高的原因以及提出了关于学校、家长、社区和体育康复的对策,为提高智力障碍儿童适应能力提供理论依据。

    We analyzed that the severe retarded children adaptability scoring average is not high reason and proposes the countermeasures about schools , parents , community , physical recovery .

  16. 联合国教科文组织支持的彭城培智学校的智障儿童,把他们亲手制作的中国传统剪纸,作为特别的新年礼物赠送给了俄罗斯木偶艺术家们。

    Mentally challenged children from Pengcheng Special Education School have made traditional Chinese paper-cutting to be presented as a special New Year gift to the Russian puppet artists .

  17. 动词论元结构研究是现代语言学研究中的一个重要课题,但是对智障儿童这一特殊群体的研究还相当缺乏。

    Argument structure is one of the major research areas in modern linguistic research . However , there is a severe lack of research in this area regarding mentally retarded children .

  18. 轻度智障儿童由于其生理缺陷,致使其思维长期处于具体形象阶段,汉字学习对于轻度智障学生存在困难。

    For mild retarded children physical defects , resulting in their thinking long-term in the specific image of the stage , the Chinese character learning is difficulty for mild retarded students .

  19. 她在一家精神病诊所当医生的时候,接触了很多智障儿童。她最终发现,帮助这些孩子的关键不在于治疗手段,而在于教育方法。

    As a doctor , she worked with mentally disabled children at a psychiatric clinic and concluded that helping these children was more an issue of teaching method than medical treatment .

  20. 课题建议:要构建智障儿童良好的教育安置模式需要重视教学管理、因材施教、动态评估、教学环境、家校联系等五方面的问题。

    We suggested that " the Model of Adequate Education Allocation for Mentally Retarded Children " should emphasise the following 5 aspects : instruction management , teaching according to individual 's aptitude , dynamic evaluation , education environment and parent-school relationship .