
  • Wisdom Tree;tree of good and evil
  1. 他变成一条毒蛇盘绕在智慧树上。

    He changed into a serpent and went to live in the Tree of Knowledge .

  2. 晚上聆听童话故事的时候,用这款古老的智慧树来点亮你的屋子吧。

    Let this wise old tree illuminate your room while it tells you tales during the night .

  3. 大蛇递给她一个智慧树上的果子,骗她吃了。

    The serpent handed her the fruit of the tree of knowledge and cheated her to eat it .

  4. 智慧树从1英尺开始,所以施肥的次数将比树的高度小1。

    The Tree of Wisdom start at1 feet , so the number of feed will be one less .

  5. 在创世纪中,那条说服夏娃摘取智慧树果实的蛇并没有被提及指的是撒旦。对于这条蛇,我们所知的仅仅是“它是所有野兽中最狡猾的”。

    The serpent that convinced Eve to take the fruit from the tree of Knowledge and Evil is not referred to as Satan in Genesis .

  6. 但有一样东西你们不能要:你们不能吃智慧树上的苹果。

    Here in the garden you have everything , but you cannot have one thing : you cannot eat the apples from the Tree of Knowledge .

  7. 事实上那个果子并没有被命名&它指的是“智慧树”上的果实。

    The fruit is not actually named at all-it is referred to only as the fruit of " the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil " .

  8. 事实上那个果子并没有被命名--它指的是“智慧树”上的果实。

    The fruit is not actually named at all - it is referred to only as the fruit of " the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil . "

  9. 主啊,无限是属祢的,求祢保守我远离对智慧树的爱,免得诱惑我远离了生命树。

    My Lord , I leave the infinite to thee , and pray thee to put far from me such a love for the tree of knowledge as might keep me from the tree of life .

  10. 上帝造物中亚当和夏娃生活的美丽花园;当他们背叛和吃了智慧树的果子之后被赶出勒天堂。

    A beautiful garden where Adam and Eve were placed at the Creation ; when they disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were driven from their paradise ( the fall of man ) .

  11. 使人分别善恶的智慧之树

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil

  12. 榛树&智慧之树,学问加大它的力量,让它带来明亮的火。

    Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning .

  13. 在饭店的院子旁矗立着一棵高英尺的古老雪松,据说它就是那棵“智慧之树”。

    Beside the hotel yard stands a venerable70ft cedar said to be the Tree of Knowledge .

  14. 在远离喧闹的平面体里,这个共同体在精心培育精神世界的没有任何污染的智慧之树。

    Away from the hubbub in the plane body , the Community in the careful nurturing of the spiritual world there is no pollution of wisdom tree .

  15. 智慧是一棵树,生长于心中,果实结在舌上。

    Wisdom is a tree that grows in the heart , and it 's fruit appears upon the tongue .