
  • 网络Intelligent Earth
  1. 该项目组负责IBM智能地球项目云计算服务的测试与辅助开发。

    The team is responsible for testing and supporting the development of cloud computing service of IBM Smart Earth Project .

  2. 一张照片,一段视频或一句评论可以瞬间从智能手机传到地球另一边的智能手机。

    And a picture or a video or a comment can travel from Smart Phone to Smart Phone on the opposite side of the planet in an instant .

  3. SETI的一个巨大挑战是智能过滤源于地球的信号。

    One of the big challenges in SETI is to filter out intelligent but earth originating signals .

  4. 智能系统&地质地球物理的前沿

    Intelligence system & the frontier of Geology and Geophysics

  5. 于是出现了智能楼宇、智慧地球、物联网等概念,这些系统借助科技的力量大大地改善了人类的生活环境,其中尤为值得探讨的要属智能楼宇。

    Thus , lots of concepts emerge , such as Intelligent Building , Smart Planet , Internet of Things . During all these systems which help to improve our living condition greatly , Intelligent Building deserves more discussions .

  6. 注意:地球上产生一种智能生物是必要的,而这种智能生物对于地球的自然界又是不重要和不必要的。

    Notice : it is necessary to produce a kind of wise mammal on the earth , but the kind of wise mammal is not important and unnecessary for the naturalness on the earth .