
  • 网络smart community;intelligent community
  1. 以下各部分将介绍一些用于创建智能社区的IBM社会协作工具。

    The following sections aim to outline some of the Social collaboration tools from IBM that can be used to create a smart community .

  2. 智能社区必须具有的功能之一是团队成员之间的信任,并可以通过Blogging机制进行信任鼓励。

    One of the features that a smart community must have is trust among the team members and this is encouraged through the mechanism of Blogging .

  3. 基于WebServices的智能社区信息系统软件集成框架

    Framework based on web services for intelligent community information system software integration

  4. 基于IPv6的智能社区报警系统的研究

    Design of Alarm System in Intelligent Community Based on IPv6

  5. 第二,针对智能社区的社区网络特点,提出了智能Cache以及基于内容的网络信息搜索新概念。

    Second , Intelligent Community needs broadband network service , which makes the author to bring about innovative idea of Content-based Search Engine and Intelligent Cache Agent .

  6. 免费的公共WiFi和自行车或汽车共享(智能社区的支柱)像黄油寿司那样罕见。

    Free public Wi-Fi and bike or car sharing pillars of smart communities are as rare as buttered sushi .

  7. 讨论CATV宽带网络家庭综合布线存在的问题,提出CATV宽带智能社区家庭综合布线的设计和施工中值得注意的一些问题。

    The paper discusses the problems in integrated wiring a CATV broadband network for family , comes up with some noticeable problems in designing and constructing CATV broadband network for family and community .

  8. 智能社区就是一种典型的普适计算环境。

    Smart community is one kind of typical pervasive computing environment .

  9. 这可以提高使用智能社区的效率。

    This enhances the efficiency of working for a smart community .

  10. 智能社区网络系统的构建研究

    Study on the Construction of the Network System of Intelligent Community

  11. 智能社区数字式电视监控网络信息化研究

    Research on Digit TV Monitoring Network Informationization of Intelligent Community

  12. 智能社区安全认证体系的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of the intelligent community certificate authority system

  13. 智能社区通过社会协作创造价值

    Value creation by Smart Community through Social Collaboration

  14. 超越组织的社会协作和智能社区

    Social Collaboration and Smart communities beyond Organization

  15. 分布式远程教育平台与智能社区平台关键技术研究

    Study of Key Technologies in the Development of Distributed Distance Education Platform and Intelligent Community Platform

  16. 基于多平台的智能社区信息化系统集成的研究

    A Research of System Integration on the Basis of Such Flats as Intelligent Community Information System

  17. 智能社区中的上下文融合

    Context Fusion If Smart Community

  18. 这些功能促成了我们这样一种构思:将这些功能整合在一起来创建智能社区。

    These features would then give us an idea as to the contribution of these towards creating the smart community .

  19. 智能社区是多个智能空间的联合,所以各个智能空间中的上下文需要融合。

    Smart community is composed of several smart spaces , and so contexts in every smart space need to be fused .

  20. 会限制智能社区访问普通美国人—无辜美国人电话记录的的方式。

    would limit the ways in which the intelligence community accesses average Americans ' - innocent Americans ' - phone records .

  21. 在深入了解社会协作及其对社区的影响之前,让我们首先探索什么是智能社区。

    Before diving into details of social collaboration and its impact on communities , let us explore what is a smart community .

  22. 通过这次收购,东芝正在进入强调智能社区概念的新业务领域,以集成能源管理系统为主。

    The deal sees Toshiba entering new business sectors encompassed by the smart community concept , centering on integrated energy management systems .

  23. 本课题主要研究智能社区平台和远程教育平台的开发。

    This paper is based on the research work of development of Platform of Intelligent Community and development of Distance Education Platform .

  24. 并设计了一个智能社区上下文融合中间件的系统架构。智能社区中的各个智能空间是相对独立的,我们对各个智能空间进行上下文本体建模时,是按照各个领域分层次组织的。

    Every smart space in smart community is relatively stand-alone , and when modeling smart space , we organize ontology by different domain .

  25. 可以将智能社区概念化为与业务相关的特定兴趣领域的、活跃的最新知识网络中心。

    Smart communities can be conceptualized as a vibrant , up to date knowledge hub on a particular area of interest relevant for business .

  26. 使用书签/标记对有用信息进行标记可帮助社区成员更有效地查找正确的信息,因此鼓励他们向智能社区过渡。

    Bookmarking / Tagging of useful information helps community members to find the right balance of information very efficiently hence encouraging the transition to smart communities .

  27. 现场总线控制体系引入智能社区管理系统,实现了智能社区的升级换代,提高了智能化整体水平。

    The fieldbus control system is introduced into the intelligent community management system so that the intelligent community is upgraded , and the whole level is enhanced .

  28. 这两个智能社区可以通过社会协作来延伸并找到兴趣类型相似的一组人员,并能够创造价值/知识。

    They can reach out and find similar set of people with similar kinds of interests using social collaboration and can create value / knowledge out that .

  29. 按照定义来说,“智能社区”就是由能够高效地生产和使用电力的住宅、楼房和其他建筑物所组成的网络。

    Basically , depending on the definition , " smart communities " are networks of houses , buildings and other structures that efficiently produce and consume electricity .

  30. 本文的意义不仅局限于此,其中应灾导航方法对于通常的智能社区导航、旅游等都具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The significance of this thesis is not only limited to the level , and the method for calamite-dealing navigation is similarly significant to intelligent community navigation and tour .