
  • 网络IC-TL;card system;All in One Card;smart card system
  1. 基于Multi-Agent的高校校园一卡通系统集成研究

    Research of Universities Campus Card System Integration Based on Multi-Agent

  2. 在数字化城市飞速建设的今天,城市公共交通AFC一卡通系统(简称一卡通)已成为数字化城市的一种时尚、潮流和标志。

    With the development of digitalization , urban public transport AFC SMART CARD system ( short as " SMART CARD ") turns into the fashion , trend and symbol of digital city .

  3. 基于LON总线的校园一卡通系统方案及Web数据库设计

    Design of LON-based Campus One-Card-Through System Project and Web Database

  4. 采用Web服务技术来实现安全中间件,使得一卡通系统中各个子系统数据流的传输得到了安全保障。

    The campus one-card-through security platform also adopts Web service technical to realize security data transportation middleware , which provides security guarantee to data transport among each subsystem in Campus one-card-through system .

  5. RFID应用于一卡通系统是玺玛克智能科技有限公司的支柱产业,坚持开发低频芯片和开发智能化的安防平台则是该公司的特色。

    Developing smart-card systems using RFID is the nuclear industry of the company , and persisting in low-frequency chips and intelligent security platform is its characteristics .

  6. 最后,基于JSP技术,根据校园一卡通系统的特点,给出了基于WEB的校园一卡通的信息查询系统框架,并给出了部分实现。

    At last , it presented the framework of the information inquiry system based on WEB and JSP technique , according to the characteristic of this inquiry system , and realized it partly .

  7. 在本文的最后讨论了设计校园一卡通系统需要考虑的各种安全性问题,结合JavaCard技术的特点提出了解决办法,并分析了本系统在安全方面的特点。

    The last part talks about many problems on the security of campus card application system , takes measures by using Java Card technology , and analyses the merits of this system in this aspect .

  8. 首先以CPU卡技术和密码算法技术为基础,提出了一卡通系统的密钥管理系统的解决方案;

    First , the issue brings forward the resolu - tion of the smart card encryption key management system for the Campus E-Card System based on CPU card technology and encryption algorithm .

  9. 并在此基础之上,把运用于诸如电子商务等其他领域中的数字签名技术引入校园一卡通系统,设计出了校园CPU卡的密钥管理系统。

    After do this , the paper introduce the digital signature which used in other domain such as e-commerce into " Campus Cards System " then design the campus CPU card key management .

  10. IPC-2402在校园一卡通系统中的应用

    Application of IPC-2402 on Campus Card System

  11. 校园一卡通系统应运而生。

    Campus smart card system was born out of this context .

  12. 基于校园一卡通系统的智能电话运营系统的设计

    Design of Intelligent Telephone Operation System Based on Campus Card System

  13. 校园一卡通系统资金安全检测方法的研究

    Research on the Safety Inspection Funding Methods of Campus Card System

  14. 校园一卡通系统帐务数据接口的实现

    On the Accounting Data-interface Methods of the Campus ' Multi-function Card System

  15. 校园一卡通系统是校园信息化的基础工程。

    The campus one-card-through system is basic project of the campus information .

  16. 基于IC卡技术的学生公寓一卡通系统设计

    System Design of Student Flats Through One Card on IC Card Technology

  17. 校园一卡通系统的可行性和需求分析

    Analysis on the Feasibility and Demand of Campus One-card System

  18. 校园一卡通系统集成技术与应用

    System Integration Technique and Application of All-purpose Card of Campus

  19. 日志分析法在一卡通系统测试中的应用

    Using Log File Analysis in One Card Multi-service System Testing

  20. 数据挖掘在校园一卡通系统中的应用初探

    The Application of Data Mining in College All-in-One Card System

  21. 试论基于数字化校园的一卡通系统的构建

    On the Construction of a Campus One-card-through System Based on Digitalized Campus

  22. 多功能型银校一卡通系统关键技术研究

    The Key Techniques of Multifunctional Bank_to_School IC Card Management System

  23. 一卡通系统在陕西省省政府的应用

    The Application of " ADSC " Design in Shanxi Government

  24. 一卡通系统的设计和应用提高了校园信息化管理水平。

    The design and application of " one-card-pass " system in hospital ;

  25. 校园一卡通系统中工作站数据安全策略的研究

    In a Campus Card System Workstation Data Security Strategy Research

  26. 校园一卡通系统中应用集成接口的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of Integration Interface in Campus One-Card-Through

  27. 基于校园网络的一卡通系统设计

    Design of Campus Smart Card Applying System Based on the Campus Network

  28. 校园一卡通系统服务器数据库安全策略研究与设计

    Campus Card System the Database Server Research and Design of Security Policy

  29. 公共事务及市民一卡通系统的网络设计

    Design of network of city public affairs information system and citizen card system

  30. 校园一卡通系统的应用与思考

    On Application and Thinking about One-payment IC Card system