
  • 网络General scope;general range
  1. 研究了冲压连接模具参数和不同板厚组合方式对互锁值c和颈厚值n的影响规律,并给出了模具参数选用的一般范围及不等厚板的最佳组合方式。

    The effects of the punching bonding die parameters and different sheets thickness combination on the interlock parameters c and neck thickness n are mainly analyzed , the general range of die parameters selection and the optimal combination mode of different thickness sheets are presented .

  2. 例句今日小常识在发达国家,足月新生儿的平均出生体重大约为3.4公斤,一般范围在2.7~4.6公斤之间。

    In developed countries , the average weight of a full-term newborn baby is approximately 3.4 kg , and is typically between 2.7kg - 4.6 kg .

  3. 此刻我们应该知道是我们的恐惧已经超出一般范围,需要重新评估。

    That 's when we should know that ours fear have become outsized and need to be reevaluated .

  4. 在介绍了医生告知的一般范围后,本节着重介绍了告知范围的新发展,比如医生对个人信息的告知、对经济利益的告知等。第五节是医生告知义务的例外。

    After the general introduction , this section lays emphasis on the new development of physician 's disclosure scope , such as the personal information and economic interests .

  5. 买方必须为WIRTGENCHINA保留权益的货物购买保险,保险范围覆盖盗窃、破损、火灾、水渍以及一般保险范围内的其他风险。

    The Buyer must insure the goods to which WIRTGEN CHINA has retained title against theft , breakage , fire , water and other risks ordinarily insured against .

  6. 其结果表明,所研究的径向转向架结构在一般应用范围内,没有比普通转向架起到更好的作用。

    The results show that the radial bogie configurations studied do not make significant contributions in general applications with regard to a conventional bogie .

  7. 介绍了气辅注射成型过程概述及其一般应用范围,重点论述了气辅注射成型模具进气针结构设计。

    Gas aid injection moulding procedure is summarized and its applying area is introduced , as well as , injector structural design of gas injection moulding mold is mainly stated .

  8. 逐步实现增值税由生产型向消费型的过渡:(3)扩大增值税一般纳税人范围,促使小规模纳税人向一般纳税人转变;

    Gradually achieving transition from productive-type VAT to consumption - type VAT ; ( 3 ) enlarging the scope of VAT normal tapers and promoting the transition form small-scale taxpayers to normal taxpayers ;

  9. 本文详细论述了水弹性模型的相似原理及模拟范围、材料特性对拱坝动力特性的影响,给出水弹性模型的一般模拟范围。

    The similarity principle and the influence of both simulation context and material characteristics on dynamic characteristics of the arch dam are discussed in this paper , and then the proper simulation context is obtained .

  10. 针对波纹管在一般弹性范围内可达到很大的位移,呈现较强非线性的特点,对温度载荷作用下的波纹管几何非线性问题进行有限元分析。

    Considering the characteristic that bellows can reaches a large deflection and appears a relative strong nonlinearity , this paper studies the geometric nonlinear problem of bellows under temperature loads using the finite element method .

  11. 赔偿范围分为一般的赔偿范围、致残的赔偿范围和死亡的赔偿范围。

    The compensation scope is divided into the general scope of the compensation 、 disability compensation and death compensation .

  12. 与一般的值范围分析方法不同,该框架不仅包括抽象解释,还包括与之对应的具体解释,以及相应的正确性证明。

    Compared with general theory about abstract interpretation , the method focuses on value range analysis , so the analysis and the proof of the analysis is straightforward .

  13. 在合同期间,承包商应购买并续保一般惯例和范围的保险,以及法律规定的任何保险。

    The Contractor shall take out and maintain insurance throughout the duration of this Agreement of customary type and scope as well as any insurance prescribed by law .

  14. 产品呈粒状,可安全稳定地用于生产和储存,减粘裂化作用在一般加工温度范围内非常有效,可以得到理想的相对分子质量分布较窄的树脂。

    The product in granular form is safe in handling and stable during storage . Vis-breaking is highly efficient in the typical processing temperature range and leads to the desired narrow molecular weight distribution of the polymer .

  15. 利用差压变送器进行倾角测量是一种非常规的角度自动化测量方法,它突破了差压变送器在压力、物位、流量测量中一般的应用范围。

    It is an unusual automatic method to measure dip angle using the differential pressure transducer , which made a breakthrough to the general application of pressure transducer in the field of pressure , level and flow measurement .

  16. 随着人类社会的发展,人际关系和科学技术日新月异的变化,案件事实涉及到的信息常常是会超出一般生活经验范围之外,专业人员的介入将会显得越来越必要和重要。

    With the development of the society , the variation of social interaction and the improvement of technology make it inevitable that the information involved in a case usually outruns the life experience of average people , so experts seem to be more and more necessary .

  17. 因此在PLD技术中,激光的入射角一般设定在这个范围。

    So the incident angle is generally chosen in the range in PLD process . 4 .

  18. 他超越一般公认的“范围”去寻求解决办法。

    He went outside the " box " to find solutions .

  19. 一般证采访通行范围为活动现场媒体指定区域;

    Normal IDs provide access to the media areas of the event .

  20. 第二,合理确定一般条款的适用范围。

    Second , reasonably determine the scope of application of general clause .

  21. 面脉动最优频率值一般在0.1&0.3赫范围内。

    The optimal frequency value of the area fluctuation is about 0.1-0.3 Hz .

  22. 我决定在这里的一般信息的输出范围是全球访问。

    I decide here in the output range of general information which is world accessible .

  23. 接触电阻一般非常小其范围在微欧姆到几个欧姆之间。

    This resistance is normally very small , ranging from micro-ohms to a few ohms .

  24. 快速、准确的识别系统中的故障,已经超出操作人员和一般技术人员能力范围[41]。

    The fast and accurate fault diagnosis of system is beyond ability of operator and field engineer .

  25. 一般在310-320℃范围内挥发分析出达到最大,在520-530℃范围内,煤焦燃烧失重速率最大。

    Devolatilization is the fastest in310-320 ℃ and weight loss rate of char combustion is the most in520-530 ℃ .

  26. 在一般水冷器流速范围内,冷却强化幅度60%以上,在线自动清洗效果好,节水节能的综合效益较高。

    In addition , the effect of online self-cleaning is great and the comprehensive result of saving water and energy is pretty high .

  27. 违约损害赔偿范围有一般法定违约赔偿范围、特殊法定违约赔偿范围及约定违约赔偿范围之分。

    General statutory scope , special statutory scope as well as the agreed scope are three categories of scope of compensation for breach of contract .

  28. 结果表明:8种槐树茎尖扩繁率相差不大,不定芽分化数一般在5~10个范围内;

    The result showed that the proliferation rate of stem apex between genotypes differed little and the number of regenerated shoots was from 5 to 10 ;

  29. 并介绍了在机外真空渗透后进行煮茧时,长笼煮茧机各部段一般工艺条件的范围。

    Therefore , ranges of general processing conditions are determined in various sections of long cage cocoon cooking machines when such vacuum permeating treatment is adopted .

  30. 一般路堤段填筑范围内,对原地面行表面清理,按设计及规范要求的深度将农作物根系、树根全部清除。

    Within filling the general road subgrade sections , clean ground surface and remove root crops , all the roots according to the design and specifications .