
  • 网络Meaningful Life;Meaningful in Life
  1. 你看,乔治,你的一生多么有意义。

    You see , george , you really had a wonderful life .

  2. 把你的一生献给最有意义的活动。

    Give your life to something that is well worthwhile .

  3. 这些故事,我们从小听到大的故事,形塑了一些我们一生,最有意义的观念。

    These stories , the stories we hear from earliest childhood on , shape us in some very meaningful sense for the rest of our lives .

  4. 她愿意将自己的一生献给这项有意义的事业。

    She is willing to devote herself into the worthwhile cause .

  5. 最重要的事情不是什么艺术生涯或大把钞票,而是拍出的照片集或者说是一生的作品能有意义,她说。

    The most important thing is not an artistic career or big pile of money , but to have that group of prints or the body of work that matters , she said .