
  • 网络peach bloom
  1. 三月桃花开。

    In March the peach blossomed .

  2. 阳春三月桃花开了,我的博客也开通了。

    March , a peach blossom in full bloom , I registered a blog .

  3. 桃花开得很旺盛。

    The peach tree is in full blossom .

  4. 这些桃花开得多好啊!

    There are so many peach flowers here !

  5. 外边的柳绿了,桃花开了,那么多的梦想上路了。

    Outside Liulv , and peach opened , so many dreams of the road .

  6. 有不少人都拍下了三九严寒桃花开的照片呢。

    Many people have taken pictures of peach flowers in the coldest time of winter .

  7. 两岸的桃花开得正艳,可是当年的人不知身在何方了!

    Peach blossom that person that cross-Straits open positive amorous , but the that year does not know the body at why square !

  8. 可白雪还绊着人们的脚步,她的孩子着急了,于是桃花开了,孩子们欢迎着母亲。

    Snow trip also can be people 's pace , her anxious children , so Peach opened , children were welcome to her mother .

  9. 我在这儿等着你回来,等着你回来看那儿桃花开!

    I wait for you in here to come back , to wait for you to come back there to look the peach blossom opens !

  10. 往后的几个晚上,我做的是同一个梦,我梦见我家乡的桃花开了。我忽然间想起,原来我已经有很多年没回去白驼山了。

    In the following nights , I had the same dream . I dreamed I saw the peach blossoms in my hometown . I suddenly remembered I hadn 't been back for a long time .

  11. 春天了,桃花都开了。

    The spring comes and peach blossoms [ flowers ] are all open .

  12. 我开始相信,我的桃花终于开了。

    I began to believe my love flower was opened to me .

  13. 桃花也开了,还有那洋李。

    The peach trees blossomed , and the wild plums .

  14. 桃花儿开,杏花儿落,枣子开花吃馍馍。

    Peach child opened , apricot children down , flowering dates to eat steamed bun .

  15. 感情运:恭喜!今年桃花朵朵开,特别容易结婚生子。

    Love life : congratulations ! You 'll have lots of opportunities for romance . it 's very possible to get married and have children .

  16. 桃花都已经开过了。

    The peach blossomes are over .

  17. 北京的春天今年来的较早,桃花也快开了吧。

    The spring in Beijing of this year came earlier than that of other years .

  18. 不必翻阅诗集,就已经开始轻吟:桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红爱浅红?

    Do not read poetry , had already started to Qingyin : Peach the main cluster of blooms , lovely dark red love light red ?

  19. 桃花朵朵为谁开。

    For whom does each peach bloom bright ?