
táo fú
  • Spring Festival couplets;peach wood charms against evil, hung on the gate on the Lunar New Year's Eve in ancient times;peach wood charms hung on the gate during lunar New Year
桃符 [táo fú]
  • (1) [peach wood charms hung on the gate during lunar New Year]∶古时挂在大门上的两块画着门神或写着门神名字,用于避邪的桃木板。后在其上贴春联

  • (2) [Spring Festival couplets]∶借代春联

桃符[táo fú]
  1. 桃符怒不可遏,反唇相讥。

    The peachwood charm was beside itself with rage , and answered back sarcastically2 .

  2. 一天,挂在门上的桃符仰起了脸,大骂艾草人:“你这个艾草人算什么东西,胆敢高踞在我的头上!”

    One day , the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to curse the figure made of Chinese mugwort : " Who do you think you are to dare to set yourself over my head ? "

  3. 对联有两个源头:一是具有巫术性质的中国古代桃符、门神风俗;

    There are two origins of antithetical couplet .

  4. 渐渐的,人们也开始在桃符上提写吉庆的文字。

    Eventually , people began to write auspicious phrases in the place of the gods'names .

  5. 桃符文化在中华各民族中都普遍而根深蒂固存在着,在中华文化中形成了一种独具景象的文化单元。

    The " TaoFu " culture is rooted in every Chinese nation , and it becomes a peculiar cultural unit of Chinese culture .

  6. 一天,挂在门上的桃符仰起了脸,大骂艾草人:

    One day , the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to curse the figure made of Chinese mugwort :