
  • 网络Everybody Happy;Let's Rock;family fortunes
  1. 大家乐所提供之食品含有高营养价值。

    The food in Cafe de Coral has high nutritional value .

  2. 大家乐员工的外表是整洁的。

    The employee 's appearance of Cafe de Coral is tidy .

  3. 大家乐就餐区具有舒适的座椅。

    Cafe de Coral has comfortable seats in the dining area .

  4. 大家乐的室内设计令我觉得舒服自在。

    The interior design of Cafe de Coral makes you feel comfortable .

  5. 大家乐所需的等候时间可以接受。

    The waiting time in Cafe de Coral is acceptable .

  6. 大家乐的员工偶尔有出错。

    The employees of Cafe de Coral often make mistakes .

  7. 整体上,大家乐的食物价钱是合理的。

    The price of overall food in Cafe de Coral is reasonable .

  8. 大家乐套餐的食物不是物超所值。

    The price of combo set is not worthy in Cafe de Coral .

  9. 我满意大家乐现有的食物种类。

    I am satisfied with the current kinds of food in Cafe de Coral .

  10. 大家乐所提供之餐饮之味道比其他中式快餐店好。

    The taste of food in Cafe de Coral is better than other Chinese fast food chains .

  11. 他过去常以吓唬大家为乐。

    He used to enjoy spooking everyone .

  12. 尼希米和以斯拉要确保让大家此刻感到喜乐,因为城墙完工了。

    Nehemiah and Ezra had to assure the people that this was a time to rejoice because they had gathered together after building the walls .