
  • 网络The Pirate;Pirates;Sid meier Pirate;REDJACK
  1. 我们立刻又重新上路,但尽管是在阳光灿烂的大白天,海盗们也不再分散着在树林里又是跑又是叫,而是凑在了一起,连说话也压低了声音。

    We started , certainly ; but in spite of the hot sun and the staring daylight , the pirates no longer ran separate and shouting through the wood , but kept side by side and spoke with bated breath .

  2. 海盗们的假日:开个大Party能让海盗们心情愉快。

    Pirate Festival : Improve pirate happiness with a big party .

  3. 但是由于政府现在仅控制了首都摩加迪沙的少量地区,实在难以想象政府怎样应对在政府控制区域以外大范围活动的海盗。

    But given that the government only controls the few districts of the capital , Mogadishu , it is difficult to imagine how it will deal with the pirates , who operate in areas outside government control .