
dà qínɡ rén
  • woman's lover
  1. 这位逍遥自在的大情人喜欢骑著单车趴趴走,所以这几个年轻制片者们也买了双座脚踏车与他片刻不离。

    The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle , so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him .

  2. 这个毛手毛脚的小女子充当了这些大人物的情人,就象不久以前她把洋娃娃当作自己的女儿一样。

    The impetuous little lady played at love with these imaginary worthies , as a little while before she had played at maternity with her doll .

  3. 万豪大酒店今年情人节推出了一款价值28888元的套餐,预订者可以在情人节当天在主席套房或总统套房共度浪漫之夜。

    This year for Valentine 's Day , the hotel is offering a28,888 yuan package , including an overnight stay in either its Chairman 's Suite or the Presidential Suite .