
  • 网络Killer Army;Quartet;The Rebel Intruders
  1. 我们肯定可以在小蛋糕比赛大杀四方。

    Man , we 're gonna crush the cupcake competition .

  2. 每个人都会被分心,你就进去大杀四方

    Everybody is thrown off . You go in for the kill .

  3. 布莱恩公园是纽约市中心最有名的公共场所之一。在这里,每周一和周四下午,伴随着麻将牌的碰撞声和人们因摸到不合意的牌而大声嚷嚷的声音,麻将爱好者们围坐在桌旁大杀四方。

    Every Monday and Thursday afternoon in Bryant Park , one of most illustrious public places in downtown New York City , with the clink of tiles and ignited outbursts from drawing an unlucky piece , mahjong lovers gather around the table to play the game .