
  • 网络The Duel;The Grand Duel;Duel of the Iron Fist
  1. 在他们那新份友谊建立仅仅两个月后,邓布利多和格林沃德就分开了,从此再没有见面,而他们的再次相会居然就是那场举世闻名的世纪大决斗。

    Barely two months into their great new friendship , Dumbledore and Grindelwald parted , never to see each other again until they met for their legendary duel .

  2. 中国人民和日本侵略者一场大决斗刚刚完毕,一个对外战争刚刚完毕,你们就发动这次对内战争。

    No sooner had the Chinese people 's great decisive fight with the Japanese aggressors ended , no sooner had the external war ended , than you launched this civil war .

  3. 他说要跟大丧决斗。

    He says he and crazy are going to have a duel .

  4. 你知道吗,阿凡要跟大丧决斗?

    Have you heard the news ? Fan is going to have a duel with crazy !