
dà mén
  • gate;front door;entry;entrance door;big and fluential family
大门 [dà mén]
  • (1) [gate]∶整个建筑物通向外面的主要的门

  • (2) [big and fluential family]∶大族

  • (3) [door]∶接触、容纳、参加或欣赏的途径

  • 向所有亚洲的苦难人民打开我们的大门

大门[dà mén]
  1. 人类专门为我们建了一个森林王国的大门!

    Human specially built a Forest Country entrance door for us !

  2. 那就是关于大门的门闩问题。

    The question concerned the lock upon the entrance door .

  3. 有人居然把车停在大门口前!

    Someone 's been and parked in front of the entrance !

  4. 政府的政策为灾难敞开了大门。

    The government 's policy is an open door to disaster .

  5. 大门荡了回去,生锈的铰链发出嘎吱嘎吱的刺耳声。

    The rusty hinges grated as the gate swung back .

  6. 把大门闩好以免被风吹开。

    Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open .

  7. 就在那时,大门口有人敲门。

    Just then , someone knocked at the front door .

  8. 她大声吆喝他把大门关上。

    She shouted at him to shut the gate .

  9. 他突然掉转马头返回到大门。

    He wheeled his horse back to the gate .

  10. 一辆大型轿车嗖地从他们身边驶过,拐进了大使馆的大门。

    A large car swished past them and turned into the embassy gates .

  11. 她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。

    She chained her bicycle to the gate .

  12. 她把小马拴在大门上。

    She hitched the pony to the gate .

  13. 你肯定锁上大门了吗?你很可能是忘了。

    Are you sure you locked the gate ? You could easily have forgotten .

  14. 你一定不要让大门敞开着。

    You mustn 't leave the gate open .

  15. 这些大门是用熟铁制成的。

    The gates were made of wrought iron .

  16. 冲向大门的人群险些把我踩在脚下。

    I was nearly trampled underfoot by the crowd of people rushing for the door .

  17. 她随手关上了身后的大门。

    She closed the gate behind her .

  18. 卡车从大门前疾驰而过。

    A truck tore past the gates .

  19. 你穿过这道大门,就看到左面的房子了。

    Go through this gate , and you 'll see the house on your left .

  20. 她十分注意不让进一步谈判的大门关上。

    She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks .

  21. 罢工工人围在大门外担任纠察。

    Striking workers picketed outside the gates .

  22. 大门咣的一声合上了。

    The gates clanged shut .

  23. 一位年轻的警察在大门紧闭的使馆外站岗。

    One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates .

  24. 他驾车急速通过大门。

    He drove his car through the gates at full pelt .

  25. 他打开了大门,微笑着欢迎出行的人归来。

    He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home .

  26. 以色列为所有希望获得公民身份的犹太人敞开大门。

    Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it .

  27. 他们用卡车猛撞大门。

    They used a lorry to ram the main gate .

  28. 随着一声金属碰击的咔嗒声,大门打开了。

    There was a metallic click and the gates swung open

  29. 他将她领进了研究其他文化的大门。

    He initiated her into the study of other cultures .

  30. 他打开大门,迈步朝房子走去。

    He opened the gate and started walking up to the house .