
  • 网络The Rise of the Great Powers;The Rise of Great Nations;the rise of great powers;Great Powers
  1. 贸易立国是大国崛起过程的一种战略选择,荷兰如此,英国如此,美国如此,日本、德国亦如此。

    Trading nation is the rise of the great powers of a strategic choice , Holland , England , the United States , Japan , and Germany .

  2. 然而,新自由制度主义提出,国际制度能为大国崛起过程中避免加剧安全困境创造条件;

    However , neo-liberal institutionalism argues that it is possible for an international institution to create conditions to avoid exacerbating the " security dilemma " in the process of the rise of the great powers .

  3. 地缘因素和地缘战略在大国崛起中发挥了重要作用。

    Geo-factors and geo-strategies are imperative for emerging of great nations .

  4. 当大国崛起,收入差距上升时,不满情绪就会抬头。

    When big power and income disparities arise , resentments increase .

  5. 一般说来,大国崛起是有规律可循的。

    Generally speaking , there are laws for the rising of great powers .

  6. 大国崛起的类型学分析&兼论中国和平崛起战略的可行性

    Rise of the Great Powers : A Typological Analysis

  7. 但是,大国崛起的历史并不让人欣喜。

    But the history of great nations rising is not a happy one .

  8. 又是《大国崛起》法国篇中的一句话。

    Another sentence from CCTV series " The Growup of Great States " .

  9. 大国崛起困境的超越:认同建构与变迁

    Beyond the Dilemma in the Rise of Great Powers : Identity Construction and Transformation

  10. 这一情况被称为中国作为国际经济大国崛起的里程碑。

    This situation is called as milepost China International Economic Rise of the great powers .

  11. 大国崛起道路的历史比较

    The Historical Comparison of Rising Powers

  12. 数百年来,大国崛起往往会导致战争。

    The rise of a new world power has often led to war in centuries past .

  13. 从《大国崛起》研究我国电视纪录片的发展

    From the " Rise of Great Powers " Study the Development of China 's TV Documentary

  14. 《大国崛起》一片由中国中央电视台委托中视传媒有限公司制作。

    " The Rise of Nations " is a CCTV production , in association with CTV Media .

  15. 而国际金融中心的形成和巩固,又是世界大国崛起的重要标志。

    The formation and consolidation of international financial center is an important symbol of the rise of world powers .

  16. 双方都以值得赞许的务实态度,应对了伴随着一个大国崛起的不可避免的动荡。

    Both have dealt with the inevitable disruptions that accompany the rise of a great power with commendable pragmatism .

  17. 在大国崛起的过程中,一般都会经历贸易摩擦从弱到强、然后再次转弱的过程。

    On its rise , a great nation normally will experience the course of trade friction intensification and then attenuation .

  18. 一边是高速增长的经济成就和大国崛起的自豪;另外一边却是盛世繁华背后的各种问题。

    However , varied problems arise behind the achievement of our economic boom and emerging rise as a great nation .

  19. 大国崛起与国际法的发展&兼谈中国和平崛起的国际法环境

    The Development of International Law and the Rise of Big Country & Discuss International Law Environment of China 's Peaceful Rise

  20. 自1500年以来,大国崛起挑战统治霸主的15起案例中,11起爆发了战争。

    In 11 of 15 cases since 1500 where a rising power emerged to challenge a ruling power , war occurred .

  21. 中国电视台制作了一个反映5个世纪以来世界大国崛起的系列纪录片,其动机或许也在于此。

    Perhaps that is why Chinese television has produced a documentary series about the rise of global powers over five centuries .

  22. 中国崛起与西方大国崛起不属同时代的问题,不能放在一起进行比较;

    China 's rise can 't be compared with the western big nations because of the fact that they rise in different ages .

  23. 论崛起三角向均衡三角的有机扩散&基于两个大局战略与大国崛起之路

    The Organic Diffusion from Rising Triangle to Harmonious Triangle & in View of " Two Overall Situation " Strategy and Great-nation 's Rising

  24. 大国崛起必然伴随冲突与战争的模式,似乎已成为西方传统大国崛起理论的一个铁律。

    The model that rising of great power is bound to conflict and war seems to become the rule in western traditional international theory .

  25. 这一战略既是我国一贯的和平外交方针的继续,也是借鉴他国经验,寻求大国崛起的和平之路。

    This strategy is not only the continuation of our peaceful foreign policy , but also-from the experience of other countries-a peaceful road to a powerful country .

  26. 并非是决定性的权力转移、而是大国崛起所带来的权力变迁本身就已经足以产生国家间安全互动关系的新变化。

    It is not the decisive power transition but the power shift itself initiated by the rise of great power induces the new transformation of interstate interaction .

  27. 美国误判了后冷战时代新兴大国崛起的本质是集中在经济较量而非军事上。

    The United States of America misjudged the Post-Cold War era and the rise of emerging countries is essential to focus on the economic competition rather than military .

  28. 中美两国间的贸易摩擦是经济全球化和贸易自由化进程中,中国以新兴贸易大国崛起所必须面对的挑战。

    Under the condition of economic globalization and trade liberalization , as a new player in the stage of international trade , China faces an inevitable challenge-trade friction .

  29. 随着冷战结束、全球化发展,新兴大国崛起,国际权力发生了重大变迁,但这种变迁没有达致改变现有国际权力结构、变动安理会常任理事国组成的地步。

    Since the end of the cold war , with the development of globalization and the rise of emerging countries , the world power pattern has undergone great changes .

  30. 许多观众认为,去年《大国崛起》系列片是一次前所未有的尝试,旨在就中国应该如何应对自己国家的崛起激发更广泛的辩论。

    Many viewers saw last year 's Rise of the Great Nations series as an unprecedented attempt to stimulate wider debate about how China should manage its own rise .