
  • 网络Music Nation
  1. 论文化冷战与大国文化战略博弈

    On Cultural Cold War and Strategic Game among Power Cultures

  2. 而且,中国是一个大国,文化的包容性较强。

    Moreover , China is a big country , a culture of inclusiveness stronger .

  3. 我国作为一个文化资源大国,文化产业发展却相对滞后。

    China as a country with rich cultural resources , development of cultural industries is relatively slow .

  4. 牛仔裤文化中还体现着人文主义、后现代主义等文化思潮,并渗透着西方大国的文化霸权。

    And the concept of Humanism , Postmodernism and Cultural Hegemony can also be found in jeans cultures .

  5. 作为一个发展中的国家,正在崛起的文化大国,文化建设是摆在首位的。

    As a developing and rising abruptly country , cultural construction is put in the first place in China .

  6. 我国是遗产资源丰富的大国,文化遗产旅游是旅游业的重要组成部分。

    China is a huge country with abundant heritage resources , and the cultural heritage tour plays an important role in the tourism .

  7. 中国是一个文化大国,文化源远流长,历史悠久,艺术发展也取得了一定的成果。

    China is a big cultural country , culture goes back to ancient times , has a long history , the development of the arts must also achieved results .

  8. 到90年代中期,肯尼迪命题本身已相对衰落,被美国成为唯一的超级大国以及文化冲突等更有吸引力的新理论所取代。

    By the mid-1990s the Kennedy thesis was itself in relative decline , displaced by sexier new theories about the US as the sole superpower and the clash of civilisations .

  9. 美国的文化外交产生于两次世界大战,在冷战期间得到充分发展,但随着冷战后美国成为世界唯一的超级大国,文化外交逐渐失去其往日地位。

    American cultural diplomacy was born in two world wars and flourished during the Cold War , but it gradually lost its conspicuous position as the United States became the sole superpower in the world .

  10. 中国作为一个崛起的大国需要依靠文化软实力进行文化输出,《狼图腾》改写的成功无疑可以为我国文化输出提供更多启示。

    As a rising country , China relies on soft power to export culture . The successful rewriting of Wolf Totem will be an inspiring example in this field .

  11. 随着现代科技的发展和经济全球化的日益扩大,经济大国的强势文化压制了地域文化的发展,具有地域特征的文化逐渐消失殆尽。

    With the development of modern technology and the expansion of the economic globalization , the dominant cultures of industrial countries have suppressed the development of regional cultures whose differences are gradually disappearing .

  12. 第三章分为三节,阐述自然主题。日本是一个森林大国,森林文化是日本民族的一种根源性文化,这无疑为宫崎骏提供了艺术想象和创造的理论来源与思想动力。

    Japan is a great nation of forests . The forests culture is a source of Japanese traditional culture , which undoubtedly provides Hayao Miyazaki theoretical origin and ideological motive force of artistic imagination and creation .

  13. 虽然我国是一个泱泱文化大国,但文化产业在我国却是一个新兴的产业,目前仍处于初级阶段,因此政府在文化产业的发展问题上必须发挥主导性作用。

    Our country is a cultural heavyweight , but the cultural industry is an emerging industry , still in its infancy at the present time . So the government must play a leading role on the development issue of the cultural industry .

  14. 中国作为文化贸易的大国,却也是文化贸易逆差的大国。

    China is a great country of international trade and also has a great deficit in cultural trade .

  15. 但从中我也逐渐对这个大国的人民和文化有更多的了解。

    Slowly , I feel that I start to know some parts of this great country , its culture and people .

  16. 大国责任感和文化传统优势是中国加入国际组织的主要文化动因。

    The " big country " consciousness and the cultural superiority complex are the high cultural motives of China to join contemporary international organizations .

  17. 牡丹的色、香、态等生物属性契合盛唐大国景象及其社会文化心态,因而能集唐人的万千宠爱。

    The color , aroma , state and other biological attributes of peony accord with the scene of the Tang Dynasty and its social and cultural psychology .

  18. 作为文化之一部分的文艺理论,也受到西方某些大国所推行的文化霸权主义的影响,既有积极的一面,又有消极的一面,要批判地吸收,筛选取舍,融合沟通,进行综合创造。

    Being a part of culture , literary theories are affected by the hegemonism promoted by some western great powers especially America , which has the positive effects as well as passive part .

  19. 我国是农业大国,农村精神文化的发展不仅关乎农村的和谐发展,也关系着我国社会主义和谐社会的发展进程。

    China is a large agricultural country , spiritual culture development in rural areas not only relates to the harmonious development of rural areas , and also influences the development of harmonious socialist society in our country .

  20. 作为一个文化资源大国,我国文化产业的发展滞后于经济的快速发展,同一些国家的文化产业发展存在着明显差距。

    As a great land of cultural resources , our cultural industry development falls short of the booming of economy . Compared to some countries , there is an obvious difference in the development of cultural industry .