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  • great inquest
  1. “世纪大审判”经常发生在名人身上,比如罗斯科·阿巴克尔、O.J.辛普森以及美国前总统比尔·克林顿,但大多数时候,“世纪大审判”会把一个普通人变成名人(不论他们愿意与否)。

    Often these trials involve celebrities themselves -- this is true from Fatty Arbuckle to O.J. Simpson to former President Bill Clinton -- but oftentimes the trials make celebrities ( however willing or unwilling ) out of ordinary citizens .

  2. 世纪大审判……

    This is the trial of the century ...

  3. 东京大审判

    International war crimes tribunal in Tokyo

  4. 东京大审判是战后针对日本甲级战犯而进行的一次重要的军事审判。

    The Tokyo Judgment was a great military trial in which the most serious Japanese war criminals were tried .

  5. 世纪大审判回眸&2000年东京女性国际战犯法庭评述

    Retrospective Glance of the World - Famous Trial : Comments on Women 's International War Crimes Tribunal in Tokyo

  6. 因此,每过几年便会有一个新的“世纪大审判”在美国诞生。

    That 's why , for example , every couple of years a new " Trial of the Century " takes place in America .

  7. 我个人并不认识约翰·麦克伦,但迈克尔在大审判期间对其的评价不是很积极。

    I do not know John McClain personally , but Michael did not speak about him in a positive way at the time of his of his trial .

  8. 它是独立于三大审判程序之外的一种特殊审判程序,是两审终审审级制度的例外和补充。

    It is independent of the three trial procedures , a special court proceedings , the Trial Court of Final Appeal of the system of exceptions and Add .

  9. 尽管如此,这样的情形并不会持续太久,几年过后便会有新的“世纪大审判”出现并取而代之。

    Chances are , though , that a few years from now , the stage will just be set for the next " Trial of the Century " to commence .

  10. 最近的一次“世纪大审判”中,一个普通人——凯西·安东尼就被媒体推到了风口浪尖,成为了公众关注的焦点。

    Casey Anthony 's court case is a good example of a recent " Trial of the Century " that launched a regular person into the intense glare of the media spotlight .

  11. 在著名的利沃尼亚大审判开始时,曼德拉发表了另一个长篇演讲,并以他对一个新南非的愿景作为结尾。他表示愿意为建立一个新南非而牺牲自己的生命。

    At the opening of what became known as the Rivonia trial , Mr. Mandela delivered another long speech that ended with his vision for a new South Africa , and what he was willing to sacrifice for it .

  12. 每一次的诉讼案件都比上一次的更恶劣、更让人痛心疾首,以至于之前的“世纪大审判”统统被人们抛之脑后。

    All past " Trial of the Century " court cases are collectively forgotten , as the new one proves to be so much more distasteful , repugnant , abominable ( insert appropriate adjective ! ) than the last .

  13. 在全球职权主义和当事人主义两大行政审判模式融合的大背景下,我国现行的强职权主义行政审判模式日益显示出其与生俱来的弊病而不宜继续沿用。

    The intending administrative trial pattern in China should be neither litigant principle nor authority principle , and supposed to choose authoritylitigant principle that extracts the both adv.

  14. 你的案子被推迟到大陪审团审判了。

    You 're being held over for the grand jury .

  15. 又有不守本位、离开自己住处的天使、主用锁鍊把他们永远拘留在黑暗里、等候大日的审判。

    And the angels which kept not their first estate , but left their own habitation , he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day .

  16. 论我国审判委员会制度存废研究中的三大失误&以审判职能的行使为重点的分析

    Research on the Trial Committee in China The study of three defects in the matter of abolishing trial committee

  17. 通过比较分析两大模式下公开审判制度的具体实施,验证了上述结论的正确性和可行性。

    Through comparative analysis of concrete implementation of the public trial system under two large models , the accuracy and the feasibility of the above conclusion has been confirmed .