
  • 网络The Shooting Party
  1. 猪肉馅饼很可能起源于狩猎会上的一道点心。

    The pork pie likely originated as a snack for hunting parties .

  2. 不行,明天我没时间去狩猎会。我&我得去参加奥斯古德太太的生日舞会。

    ' No , I haven 't got time to go hunting tomorrow . I-I 'm going to Mrs Osgood 's birthday dance . '

  3. 实际上,查尔斯王子与黛安娜·斯宾塞女士再次相遇已是十六年后了。那次邂逅是在1977年11月的一次乡村狩猎会途中。

    In fact , it would be sixteen years before Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer took place in the middle of a farmer 's field during a shooting party in November 1977 .

  4. 好了,你可以明天骑着它去狩猎会,我知道有几个人想买它,明天他们肯定也在狩猎会,这很容易。

    ' Well , you could ride him to the hunt tomorrow . I know two or three men who 'd be interested in buying him , and they 'll be at the hunt , I 'm sure . It 'd be easy . '

  5. 猎人们知道在狩猎季度野鸭会被人造的声音所吸引,渔夫们则强调,如果你不想空手而归的话就要尽可能的安静。

    Hunters know that ducks are attracted by artificial calls during hunting seasons , and fishermen emphasize that you should be as quiet as possible if you don 't want to go home empty handed .

  6. 过去,陆云虎的狩猎之行常常会有大量斩获,包括名贵的穿山甲。

    In the past , Mr. Luc 's hunting trips often yielded wildlife bonanzas , including prized pangolins .

  7. 普韦布洛印第安人说,在他们开始狩猎之前,他们会唱歌,一心祈祷狩猎成功。

    Pueblo Indians say that before they start on the hunt , they sing , bending every thought on prayerful wish for success .

  8. 尽管进入名录并不会消灭狩猎行为,但会使其接受监管,方式是推出将猎取的动物运入美国的进口许可制度。

    While this would not eliminate trophy hunting , it would regulate it through a permit system for importing sport-hunted trophies into the United States .

  9. 梅伊信托的阿什文德汉姆负责管理这座城堡,他告诉《每日邮报》:费用表明在城堡中不允许垂钓和狩猎,而且王子会带上他自己的仆人。

    The charge * reflects that we do not have any fishing or shooting at the castle , and that the Prince brings his own staff , Ashe Windham , of the Mey Trust , which runs the property , told Daily Mail .

  10. 农民有时会用火来清理田地,而狩猎者在非法狩猎时也会焚烧土地。

    Farmers sometimes use it to clear fields , and hunters have been known to burn areas while hunting illegally .