
shòu liè zhě
  • Hunter;Safari;huntsman
  1. 一种狩猎者为有限食饵而具自竞争的生态方程及其应用

    An ecosystem equation of the hunter self-competition by limit to food and its application

  2. 我哥哥是一个百发百中的狩猎者。

    My brother is deadeye hunter .

  3. 如今,谭是NomNom旧石器饮食博客的博主。这个热门博客是专门研究旧石器饮食的众多资源之一。追随者们把这种日常饮食习惯形容为“像祖先那样”饮食,他们说的祖先指的是石器时代后期的采集狩猎者。

    Today , Ms. Tam writes and illustrates the popular Nom Nom Paleo blog , one of many sources devoted to Paleo eating , the diet du jour that is an exercise in eating " like our ancestors , " as adherents describe it , by which they mean the hunter-gatherers of the late Stone Age .

  4. 你们会直接面对那些狩猎者。

    You might come face to face with an annihilator .

  5. 在享用了这些美食之后,狩猎者开始其大餐。

    After these delicacies , the trappers were ready for their feast .

  6. 自人类出现以来,大部分时间是作为采集狩猎者。

    FOR most of man 's existence he has been a hunter-gatherer .

  7. 她就是我们所称的“反狩猎者”

    She 's what we like to call " opposed to hunting . "

  8. 最早的居民是流动的狩猎者和聚居者,他们制作了一些原始的石器。

    The earliest people were roving hunters and gatherers who made primitive stone tools .

  9. 我们从渐长的潮汐中返回;不速之客;非法入侵的狩猎者。

    We moved back from the encroaching tide ; invasive tourists ; trespassing hunters .

  10. 狩猎者狩猎往往出于个人目的,没有考虑大家的生存环境。

    Hunters often hunt for their own purpose , regardless of the public living environment .

  11. 我们可能也同时保留了潜在的种子传播者、狩猎者或猎物等等。

    And also we could be returning potential seed dispersers , predators , preys , etc.

  12. 那些反狩猎者只不外是一些不懂乡村生存的滥好人。

    The anti-hunting campaigners are just a bunch of bleeding hearts who don 't understand the countryside .

  13. 假如你将鲨鱼这些不同的感应器官全集中在一起,就会令到鲨鱼几乎达到一个完美的狩猎者。

    When you put all these different senses together , it makes the shark a nearly ideal hunter .

  14. 那些武装的狩猎者一直乐此不疲,却从来也不在乎其他的事。

    And those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else .

  15. 为环境保护事业做出贡献的往往是运动员、狩猎者和渔民。

    Most of the people who do a lot for the environment are sportsmen , hunters , and fisherman .

  16. 最成功的狩猎者往往不是最精准的射手,而是换子弹最快的人。

    The most successful hunter often was not the best shot but the guy who could reload the fastest .

  17. 农民有时会用火来清理田地,而狩猎者在非法狩猎时也会焚烧土地。

    Farmers sometimes use it to clear fields , and hunters have been known to burn areas while hunting illegally .

  18. 假如是一只怀孕的母牛,他们会生吃狩猎者给他们带来的最具异乡风味的奢侈品&未出胎的小牛腿。

    If the cow buffalo was pregnant they savored one of the trappers'most exotic luxuries : the raw legs of unborn calves .

  19. 虽然现在的速降运动员远远多于野兔屠宰者,伤病也是在滑雪时发生的,医生仍然用“狩猎者指伤”来表述这一伤病。

    Doctors still refer to gamekeeper 's thumb more than skier 's thumb , even though schussers presumably outnumber bunny snuffers these days .

  20. 当时,当企业狩猎者和杠杆收购公司开始撼动美国公司自满的管理层时,固步自封现象很普遍。

    At that time , when corporate raiders and leveraged buy-out firms started to shake up complacent managements at US companies , entrenchment was rife .

  21. 深色或有条形的厚毯,曾被北美洲北部和西部的商人,狩猎者和美洲土著人使用。

    A thick blanket in solid colors or stripes , formerly used in northern and western North America by traders , trappers , and Native Americans .

  22. 原来这些老婆婆对于为集体提供营养发挥着重要的作用,不亚于那些年轻强壮的狩猎者。

    It turned out that these old women played an important role in providing nutrition for the group , as much as the strapping young hunters .

  23. 狩猎者和阻拦者之间发生的喧嚣冲突很寻常,几乎成为整个狩猎过程中与追捕狐狸本身同等重要的部分。

    Noisy confrontations between hunters and saboteurs have become so common that they are almost as much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxes itself .

  24. 许多其他觊觎斑点蛙的狩猎者也不敢进入有着正在狩猎的大型毒蛛的洞穴。

    Many other predators that might otherwise dine on the dotted humming frog wouldn 't dare enter the burrow of a large hunting spider to do so .

  25. 巫师的家庭尤其容易失去年轻的家庭成员,由于他们没有控制魔法的能力使得自己引人注目,对于麻瓜巫师狩猎者来说他们十分脆弱。

    And wizarding families were particularly prone to losing younger members , whose inability to control their own magic made them noticeable , and vulnerable , to Muggle witch-hunters .

  26. 一旦发现狩猎者,虾虎鱼的尾巴会向鼓虾发出撤退的信号。即使当危险迫在眉睫时,虾虎鱼也会这样做。

    If a predator is seen , the goby 's tail will signal the shrimp to retreat , which the goby will also do if the danger comes close enough .

  27. 即使拥有这样的武装,在鼓虾洞穴外的大海里,饥饿的狩猎者还是可能随时发起突然袭击。

    Even as armed as their arms are , it 's a big ocean outside a pistol shrimp 's burrow where a hungry predator might come swooping in at any time .

  28. 全球股市上涨也令企业狩猎者蠢蠢欲动,全球各地的公司忽然不安起来,唯恐在股东名册上找到维权股东的名字。

    The rise in global equity markets had also brought out the corporate raiders , and companies around the world suddenly found themselves in fear of finding activist shareholders on their share registers .

  29. “狩猎者采集者”的例子证明了社会阶层是如何形成的,要成为领导者,你只需直接了解大团体中的几个人便可。

    The ' hunter-gatherer ' example shows how social hierarchies can form - you only need to directly know a few people in a large group in order to become a leader figure .

  30. 在这个世界仍被狩猎采集者掌控的时候,那些规模小、联系紧密的群体就形成了他们各自独立的语言模式。

    When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers , small , tightly knit groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other .