
  1. 只会说今天天气很好,太阳很大。

    Would only say a nice day , the sun high .

  2. 无论你是否准备好,太阳日全蚀将会在今天发生,在亚洲地区的人都会看到日全蚀。

    Ready or not , a total solar eclipse will occur today where people in Asia can see it .

  3. 换句话说,当你在精神上没有完全准备好和太阳比赛的话,你会发现你会很快的陷入一个大的坑。

    In other words , if a team doesn 't come ready and mentally disciplined to play the suns , they will find themselves in a huge hole very quickly .

  4. 对很多生物来讲太阳是很好的,太阳提供光源让我们的星球生存。

    The sun is great for lots of things : light keeping our planet alive .

  5. 大部分的人会说,好吧,太阳的引力将地球朝向太阳围成一个圈。

    Most people would say , well , the sun 's gravity is yanking the earth toward the sun in a circle .

  6. 这二个参数的函数可以很好的描述太阳黑子面积活动周。

    Then , the cycle shapes of sunspot areas can be adequately described by using a simple function with only two free parameters .

  7. 此外,谐波成份中存在的纬度变化和年际变化并不能很好地用太阳活动和地磁活动指数拟合。

    In addition , the solar flux and geomagnetic activity proxies that we have employed do not capture some latitude and inter-annual variations detected in our data .

  8. 用ZnTe/ZnTe∶Cu复合层作为背接触层,能很好的解决CdTe太阳电池的欧姆接触问题。

    The ZnTe / ZnTe ∶ Cu complex thin films , as the back contact layers , can resolve the ohm contact problem of CdTe / CdS solar cells .

  9. 他治疗过好几位被太阳严重灼伤的病人。

    He treated several cases of severe sunburn .

  10. 近年来,随着我国游艇工业区的形成,游艇产业得到了很好的发展,太阳鸟公司在游艇设计、生产、销售等各方面都取得了显著的成绩。

    In recent years , the yacht industry has been developed very well along with the formation of industrial zones in china . Sunbird have achieved great results in yacht design , production , marketing and other areas .