
huān yíng guāng lín
  • Welcome;You are welcome;welcome to my shop;Welcome to our hotel
  1. 竭诚欢迎光临寒舍。

    You are most welcome to my humble abode .

  2. 欢迎光临我的小天地。

    Welcome to my small world .

  3. 欢迎光临寒舍!

    Welcome to our humble abode !

  4. 欢迎光临IBM上海公司的正式开张典礼。

    Welcome to the official launch by IBM of Shanghai .

  5. W:上午好,欢迎光临本公司。

    W : Good morning ! Welcome to our company .

  6. 欢迎光临3G的世界&第三代无线技术。

    Welcome to the world of3G & Third generation wireless technology .

  7. 3G手机,海市蜃楼?欢迎光临3G的世界——第三代无线技术。

    Welcome to the world of 3G ------- Third generation wireless technology .

  8. 欢迎光临BurgerTown。您要点儿什么?

    Welcome to Burger Town . May I help you ?

  9. 欢迎光临XX酒店。

    Welcome to XX hotel .

  10. Mitchell,欢迎光临。刚开始的检查包括胸部X光及超音波检查。

    Mitchell , so nice of you to come . The initial investigation included chest X-ray and chest ultrasound .

  11. 威廉王子被要求帮忙制作一个“欢迎光临圣诞晚餐”的标志,并被要求剪掉一个“E”,这让凯特惊讶地挑起眉毛,并嘲笑了他的手工能力。

    William was asked to help make a " Welcome to Xmas Dinner " sign and given an " E " to cut out , leaving Kate to raise an eyebrow and laugh at his art skills .

  12. 詹妮.罗斯:欢迎光临Bibury系统公司。

    JENNY ROSS : Welcome to Bibury Systems .

  13. Mitchell,欢迎光临。我特别要欢迎来自海外的嘉宾和代表。

    Mitchell , so nice of you to come . In particular , I would like to welcome our distinguished guests and delegates from overseas .

  14. 营业员:早上好,先生,欢迎光临诺基亚。

    S : Good morning , sir . Welcome to Nokia .

  15. 江苏省盐城方行集团有限公司欢迎光临!

    Yancheng , Jiangsu Province , Party Line Group Co. , Ltd.

  16. 亲爱的顾客朋友,欢迎光临聚缘咖啡西餐厅。

    Dear customers , welcome to our cafe restaurant poly edge .

  17. 欢迎光临荫园疗养院有什么可以效劳

    Welcome to Shady Hills . How can I help you ?

  18. 欢迎光临本酒吧!请问你有预订吗?

    Welcome to our bar ! Do you have a reservation ?

  19. 太太,晚安。欢迎光临信林餐厅。

    Good evening , ma'am , welcome to the Gourmet Restaurant .

  20. 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临国宾大饭店。

    Good evening , sir . Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel .

  21. 欢迎光临及分享区区对中国文化艺术的爱好!

    Thank you for coming and sharing my love for art .

  22. 先生,欢迎光临,要不要来份超值套餐呢?

    Welcome , sir , do you want a special combo ?

  23. 欢迎光临,请问您要登录或创建一个帐户?

    Would you like to log in or create an account ?

  24. 小姐,晚安。欢迎光临中信酒店。

    B : Good evening , Ms. Welcome to China-trust Hotel .

  25. 欢迎光临麦当劳,请问您需要点些什么吗?

    Staff : Welcome to McDonald ' s.May I take your order ?

  26. 欢迎光临!我能帮到你什么吗?

    A : Welcome ! Can I help you anything ?

  27. 欢迎光临,这可能成为未来银行的服务模式。

    Welcome to what may become the future of banking .

  28. 我终于有了我自己的博客,欢迎光临我的博客!

    I finally had my blog , welcome to enjoy my blog !

  29. 好的!贵宾您好,欢迎光临!

    Yes ! Good afternoon Sir or madam ! Welcome !

  30. 欢迎光临我的博客,并提出意见。

    Welcome to mine Blog , and put forword idea .