
  • 网络Glee;Glee Cast;glee club
  1. 当有消息流出说第三季不再延续Overstreet系列的常规选择时,《欢乐合唱团》整个夏天都成了大头条。

    Glee made headlines over the summer when word leaked that the show opted not to pick up Overstreets series regular option for Season 3 .

  2. 欢乐合唱团为我打开大门,让我能够交朋友,认识人。

    And the Yale Glee Club really was my door to making friends and to meeting people .

  3. 大家在《欢乐合唱团》3D电影版的预告片里发现这个小伙子了吗?

    Did you see this little one in the trailer ?

  4. 布莱克在《欢乐合唱团》中的首秀将会出现在第四季第五集TheRoleYouWereBorntoPlay,该集将于11月8日播出。

    First Glee episode , Season 4 , Episode 5 : The Role You Were Born to Play , airs on November 8 .

  5. 我们知道贾斯汀比伯和Rent的一首歌都会出现在这一季的《欢乐合唱团》中。

    We already know that Justin Bieber and a song from Rentare on tap for Glee this season .

  6. 新一季的《欢乐合唱团》将会在美国时间9月13日FOX电视网首播。

    The new season of Glee premieres on Thursday , Sept. 13 at 9 / 8c on Fox .

  7. 尽管她有时会在《燃情克利夫兰》(HotinCleveland)和《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)等电视剧中客串,不过伯内特大部分时间都远离聚光灯的关注。

    Though she sometimes pops up in cameos on shows like Hot in Cleveland and Glee , Burnett mostly stays out of the limelight .

  8. 2010年最让人痴迷的东西是备受期待的iPhone,其他受关注的对象还有女演员林赛罗韩、iPad、电视节目《欢乐合唱团》和《泽西海岸》。

    The top obsession of 2010 was the much-anticipated iPhone , followed by actress Lindsay Lohan , the iPad , and the television shows " Glee " and " Jersey Shore . "

  9. 《欢乐合唱团》的Finn,同时也是这场颁奖礼的主持之一,运用一双黑色运动鞋给全套西装添加了几分休闲感。

    The Glee star – and one of the evening 's co-hosts – adds a casual touch with sneakers to his sleek black suit .

  10. 在此之前,《欢乐合唱团》的主创RyanMurphy曾透露在第三季,某几个主要角色将从麦金利高中毕业。

    The casting news comes on the heels of a recent promise from creator Ryan Murphy that some of the show 's main characters would graduate by the end of season three .

  11. FOX已经续订了《欢乐合唱团》第六季,所以这个决定对这部剧的未来影响还是不大,只是这一季大家将会少看两集。

    FOX has already renewed the series for Season 6 ( which will be its final one ) so this won 't affect the future of the show . It just means there will be two fewer episodes this season .

  12. 接近傍晚时分,主演《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的电视明星莱亚·米歇尔(LeaMichele)来到格鲁夫取走自己的手机:苹果新推出的玫瑰金iPhone6sPlus。

    Late in the afternoon , the " Glee " TV star Lea Michele stopped by the Grove to pick up her phone : the iPhone 6s Plus in Apple 's new rose-gold color .

  13. 《欢乐合唱团》已经停播了将近一个月了(当然我们还在望眼欲穿的等待),但是这并不代表FOX这部音乐喜剧的演员们没有努力工作。

    Glee has been off the air for almost a month ( yes , we 're still drying our eyes from this , too ), but doesn 't that mean the cast behind the Fox musical comedy hasn 't been hard at work .

  14. 虽然发展过程历经多年,也和不同的人结过婚,但是当合唱团的老师WillSchuester终于向辅导员EmmaPillsbury求婚时,一切就是我们一直想象中的《欢乐合唱团》该有的求婚场景。

    It has been a few years - and marriages to different people - in the making , but when choir teacher Will Schuester finally popped the question to guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury , it was like we always imagined a Glee proposal could be .

  15. 《欢乐合唱团》绝对是美国当今最炙手可热的音乐喜剧了。

    Glee is an extremely popular American musical comedy-drama television series .

  16. 期待他在《欢乐合唱团》电影版中的精彩表现!

    Look out for Kellen in the upcoming Glee movie !

  17. 前三甲分别是《真爱如血》、《欢乐合唱团》和《当代家庭》。

    In her top three are True Blood , Glee and Modern Family .

  18. 耶鲁大学欢乐合唱团是美国大学中第三老资格的合唱团。

    The Yale Glee Club is the nation 's third oldest collegiate chorus .

  19. 哈利·沈是热播剧集《欢乐合唱团》的主角

    Harry Schum , the star of the hit TV serious " Glee . "

  20. 哈里·斯科姆是热播电视剧《欢乐合唱团》的当红演员。

    Harry Schum is the star of the hit TV series " Glee . "

  21. 她出演过“欢乐合唱团”她是拉拉队女王

    You know the actor she 's on Glee . She 's the cheeerleader queen .

  22. 据报道,出演了《欢乐合唱团》的布莱克詹纳和梅利莎拜诺伊斯特这对情侣将要喜结连理了!

    Glee lovebirds Blake Jenner and Melissa Benoist are reportedly set to tie the knot !

  23. 3月20日,福克斯电视台的音乐喜剧《欢乐合唱团》播出了感人的大结局。

    Fox 's musical comedy " Glee " aired its emotional series finale on March 20 .

  24. 因为,你就是欢乐合唱团的灵魂,并且已经深深地影响了我们。

    Because , you are glee club . And you 're in all of us now .

  25. 2010年,《欢乐合唱团》原声带跃居美国公告牌榜首位。

    In 2010 , the " Glee " soundtrack hit No 1 on a Billboard chart .

  26. 巴迪为当时全部是男声的欢乐合唱团编排了几十首民间歌曲和宗教歌曲。

    Barty arranged dozens of folk songs and spirituals for what was then an all-male Glee Club .

  27. 英国选秀传奇人物苏珊-波尔即将再次于美国电视电视荧屏露面,要是在国民剧集《欢乐合唱团》中客串一把。

    ' Britain 's Got Talent'phenomenon Susan Boyle will guest star on the holiday episode of'Glee . '

  28. 2009年,《欢乐合唱团》一开播,其中的音乐便横扫流行音乐各大榜单。

    Music from " Glee " began sweeping pop music charts shortly after its debut in 2009 .

  29. 最后一条新闻是为《欢乐合唱团》的粉丝们制作的:剧中主要演员即将停演。

    And finally , news for all you Glee fans-the show 's top stars are getting the chop .

  30. 《欢乐合唱团》在艾美奖上大获成功,音乐毋庸置疑正是它最大的秘密武器。

    The biggest secret to the Emmy Award-winning show 's success , beyond all doubt , is its music .