
  • 网络The Happy Festival;Jubilee
  1. 整个镇上充满了欢乐的节日气氛。

    A happy festival atmosphere pervaded the whole town .

  2. 让我们唱几支歌来庆祝这个令人欢乐的节日。

    Let 's sing some songs to celebrate this joyful occasion .

  3. 老天,是谁想出这些欢乐的节日主题的?

    Who comes up with these festive holiday themes , anyway ?

  4. 在日本有个一年一度的亡灵节,一个欢乐的节日。

    Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan .

  5. 这是一个充满爱和欢乐的节日。

    It 's a holiday full of love and joy .

  6. 这是一个欢乐的节日,迪亚曼蒂说。

    It 's a festival of joy , Diamanti says .

  7. 在这欢乐的节日里,请再次接受我诚挚的问候。

    Once again I convey my sincerest greetings on this auspicious occasion .

  8. 排灯节是一个充满热情与欢乐的节日。

    Diwali is celebrated with fervor and gaiety .

  9. 这是个欢乐的节日。

    This festival is a cheerful occasion .

  10. 狂欢节在巴西、秘鲁等南美的其他一些地方,然后是一个奇妙的欢乐的节日。

    Carnival is still a wonderful festival of joy in Brazil , Peru , and other parts of South America .

  11. 来吧!唱首歌,跳支舞!朗读一首美丽的诗歌!共度一个欢乐的节日!

    Come and join us ! Sing a song , enjoy a dance ! Read a beautiful Poem ! Let 's have fun together !

  12. 事实上人们会被周遭的环境影响,因为年龄的关系她有可能每到欢乐的节日会感到失落。

    However , it is fact that a person can be affected by circumstances , she could have felt unhappy every festive days due to her age .

  13. 结果是我们又将度过一个欢乐祥和的节日。

    It turns out that we 'll have a happy , peaceful festival .

  14. 它是一个能给人们一些欢乐的小节日。但你却不能漠视它的存在,否则你可能成为下一个“四月傻瓜”哦!

    It 's simply a fun little holiday , but you cannot ignore it , or you may become the next " April Fool "!

  15. 主席向供暖公司的一线职工表示慰问,并叮嘱他们要一丝不苟做好工作,让家家户户过一个温暖的冬季、过一个欢乐祥和的节日。

    The president expressed his greetings to the front-line staff of the company and asked them to work meticulously to ensure all households can enjoy a warm winter and a happy holiday .

  16. 春节是个欢乐祥和的节日,也是亲人团聚的日子,离家在外的孩子在过春节时都要回家欢聚。

    The Spring Festival is happy auspicious sum festival , is also the day reuniting with one 's family and relatives , leave home needing to go home when going over the Spring Festival in external child happy get-together .

  17. 今天是六一儿童节,一个充满欢乐和梦想的节日。

    Today is Children 's Day , a festival full of happiness , dreams and fantasy .

  18. 同时,我们还将全力做好节日期间扶贫帮困工作,保证市场供应,确保广大市民过一个欢乐、祥和的节日。

    At the same time , we are to make every effort to relieve the poor during the holiday , ensure market supply and ensure that the general public will enjoy a happy and peaceful holiday .

  19. 印度女孩互相投掷颜料粉末,胡?婺`在印度被认为是最欢乐和热闹的宗教节日。

    Indian girls throw colored powder on each other . Holi is known as the most exuberant and playful of Hindu festivals .