
  1. 例如,我们的“世纪挑战账户集团”(MillenniumChallengeCorporation)在伙伴国家进行大规模投资以便通过增长来减少贫困。

    Our Millennium Challenge Corporation , for example , makes large-scale investments in partner countries to reduce poverty through growth .

  2. 我以一个科学家的身份写的“我们最后的世纪”这本书,一个普通意义上的科学家。

    I wrote my book , " Our Final Century , " as a scientist , just a general scientist .

  3. 现在我将进入我演讲的第二部分,前面有人已提到了“我们最后的世纪”这本拙作。

    And I now move on to the second part of my talk , and the book " Our Final Century " was mentioned .

  4. 然而就算是从这一特殊视角来看,我们现在的世纪也是非常非常特殊的。它是首个人类可以改变自身和其家园的世纪。

    But even in this concertinaed cosmic perspective , our century is very , very special , the first when humans can change themselves and their home planet .

  5. 我们面临的新世纪其实质是一个教育的世纪。

    The century we are facing is a century for education essentially .

  6. 我们所处的世纪,是一个充满不确定性和相对性的时代。

    Century we live in , is a relative uncertainty of the times .

  7. 正如科学家告诉我们的:本世纪气候变化的性质将超出人类的经验。

    As the scientists tell us : the nature of climate change during this century will go beyond human experience .

  8. 让我们告别物理学的世纪吧!在这个世纪里,我们分裂了原子,为硅赋予了计算的功能。

    Ring farewell to the century of physics , the one in which we split the atom and turned silicon into computing power .

  9. 但是,深海温度的缓慢变化意味着海平面的上升将可能是我们未来的几个世纪里关注的焦点。

    But the slow rate of change of deep ocean temperatures means that we are likely to be committed to sea-level rise for many centuries to come .

  10. 我们的祖先16世纪时从喀布尔来到斯瓦特。在喀布尔时,因为帮助一位帖木儿君王夺回王位,我们的祖先获得宫廷中与军队里重要的职务。

    Our ancestors came to Swat in the sixteenth century from Kabul , where they had helped a Timurid emperor win back his throne after his own tribe removed him .

  11. 我们的社会在上世纪一系列事件的影响下,所经历的巨大的进步正在不断加速,

    Perhaps the tremendous progress we 've made over the last century by a series of forces are ,

  12. 该注脚称:我们唯一提供的20世纪的在世者财富集中度估计,是对1947年和1994年的全国估计。

    It says : The only wealth-of-the-living concentration estimates we provide for the twentieth century are national estimates for 1947 and 1994 .

  13. 但数字化现在主宰了此次奥运会开幕式,这表明我们所处的21世纪的世界正在发生巨大变化。

    But the fact that digitisation now dominates the Olympic opening ceremony is a symbol of how our 21st-century world is changing .

  14. 此后不久,他就开始给我们正在做的20世纪最有影响力人物系列专题出谋划策。

    and soon thereafter he began offering me his ideas for a series we were doing on the most influential people of the century .

  15. 看来,我们确定的在本世纪末国民生产总值达到人均八百美元的目标是可以实现的。

    I think we shall be able to achieve our goal of increasing per capita GNP to us $ 800 by the end of the century .

  16. 这就是我今天要讲的内容,确保让我们的政府成为21世纪的民有、民治、民享的优秀政府。

    That 's what this is all about-making sure our government of the people and by the people works better for the people in the 21st century .

  17. 将在基础研究方面的支出,与实体及数字基础设施方面的高额投入联系起来,会打造出一种仍让我们保持建设的21世纪新型经济。

    Linking spending on basic research with heavy investment in physical and digital infrastructure points to a new kind of 21st-century economy that still has us building stuff .

  18. 我从心底深处感谢你们给了我2次机会和荣誉,为你们服务,为你们工作,和你们一起为我们的国家进入21世纪做准备。

    I am profoundly grateful to you for twice giving me the honor to serve , to work for you and with you to prepare our nation for the 21st century .

  19. 我是指,水培法不是我的专长,但从我度过的研究来看,我们涉及的是19世纪,如果你真的延伸开来,也许到17世纪。

    Professor : I mean , hydroponics isn 't really my specialty but from the research I have read , we are talking the nineteenth century , maybe the seventeenth century if you really stretch it .

  20. 对我们双方来说,在我们面临的新世纪中,鲜有其他问题会比这个问题更重要。

    Few questions will matter more for both of us in the new century unfolding before us .