
  1. 小鲤鱼回答说:“我是东海龙王的臣子,不幸落到这里。您能够给我一些水来救我活命吗?”

    The little crucian carp answered : " I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea . Unfortunately I fell down here . Can you give me a little water to save my life ? "

  2. 他们看见一条小鲤鱼在河里迅速地游着。

    They saw a little carp swimming swiftly in the stream .

  3. 失去小鲤鱼,抓住大马哈鱼。

    One must lose a minnow to catch a salmon .

  4. 包括小鲤鱼在内的鱼类栖息在水潭里

    Pools that are home to fish including barbel .

  5. 与一盘美味的小鲤鱼相反的,他们吃了一餐烤蚱蜢拌瓢虫酱。

    And instead of a nice dish of minnows-they had a roasted grasshopper with ladybird sauce .

  6. 小鲤鱼回答说:‘我是东海龙王的臣子。

    The little crucian carp answered : ' I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea .

  7. 小蝌蚪们看见鲤鱼以为是自己的妈妈。

    The little tadpoles saw the fish , They thought she was their mother .