
  • Little Star;Twinkle Twinkle Little Star;Starlet
  1. 小星星,我怎样才能像你一样?

    Little star ! How can I be like you ?

  2. 一天夜里,她看见一颗小星星从天空中坠落。

    One night she sees a little star falling out of the sky .

  3. 这个被称为“小星星项目(ProjectStar)”的田纳西试验为回答上述问题提供了可能。

    The Tennessee experiment , known as Project Star , offered a chance to answer these questions because it randomly assigned students to a kindergarten class .

  4. 这位67岁的希区柯克女演员成为了星光大道第2488个星星,这颗小星星位于好莱坞林荫大道PigN’Whistle酒吧的右侧。

    The 67-year-old Hitchcock actress received the 2488th star on the Walk of Fame , which is located right outside of the Pig N " Whistle pub on Hollywood Boulevard .

  5. 有太阳月亮和小星星。

    With suns and moons and all those little twinkly things .

  6. 戴夫注意到海报上布满了小星星。

    Dave noticed that the poster was covered with little stars .

  7. 何不带他/踏上小星星欢乐文化艺术之旅!

    Why not take the child on an artistic journey ?

  8. 满天都是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!

    A starlit sky ? No , it 's a lightless bat cave !

  9. 但小星星的排列方式却有细微差错。

    But there are subtle differences in how the smaller stars are aligned .

  10. 爸爸,快看那颗闪闪亮的小星星!

    Daddy ! Look at the little twinkling star !

  11. 哪怕我是颗小星星,也要让它闪光发亮。

    This little light of mine . I 'm gonna let it shine .

  12. 实际上是成千上万的小星星。

    It 's really millions of little stars .

  13. 哦,我是多么渴望小星星。

    Oh , how I crave gold stars .

  14. “小星星项目”的一个原动力是研究班级人数的影响,这个参数确有影响。

    Class size which was the impetus of Project Star evidently played some role .

  15. 大量的小星星是乐观的象征。

    Lots of little stars indicate optimism .

  16. 美丽的小星星闪闪发亮。

    Beautiful twinkle of each little star .

  17. 每一天都告诉学生,他们是你的“小星星”。

    Tell the students every single day , that they are your " stars " .

  18. 在每两个小行星中间再放置一个小星星,将这些小行星合并为一个图层。

    Fill the gaps with more stars and merge together to create another star layer .

  19. 您也可以选择免费让店员在蛋糕上帮你加上代表美国国旗的蓝,红,白小星星。

    You can also ask to add patriotic sprinkles to your cupcakes FREE of charge !

  20. 因为每个人都需要一颗小星星。

    Cos everybody needs a little star .

  21. 带着小星星?

    Sheldon : With the little stars ?

  22. 看着窗外的小星星,许着你要一直快乐。

    Looking out of the window of the stars , so you will be happy forever .

  23. 一闪一闪小星星

    Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Star

  24. 当我得到一个小星星,我又想获得另一个。

    When I got a star for doing my homework , I wanted to earn another one .

  25. 在一个黑斑上,我突然发现一颗小星星,于是就仔细地观察起来。

    Suddenly I noticed in one of these patches a star , and began watching it intently .

  26. 当这个美黑小星星声称

    While the spray-tanned starlet claims

  27. 在我收集完所有的贴纸或小星星,我又想和老师一起吃早餐。

    After I collected all the stickers , I wanted to have a breakfast with my teacher .

  28. 我努力控制对小星星的需求,因为它使我成为一个怨恨的打分员。

    I struggle to master my need for gold stars , because it makes me a resentful score-keeper .

  29. 不过,虽然尽了一切的努力,可是还是不得不承认自己依然渴求小星星。

    Nevertheless , for all my efforts , I have to admit that I still crave gold stars .

  30. 你知道中国国旗上的一颗大星星和四颗小星星代表什么意思吗?

    Do you know that what the big star and the four stars in the China 's national flag stand for ?