
  1. 只要我的心跳着,它始终忠诚地向着你。

    While my heart beats , it 'll be true to you .

  2. 你并不是心跳着从一个世界末日的梦境中醒来。

    You 're not waking up from some apocalyptic vision with your heart pounding .

  3. 无眠的夜,惟有心跳伴随着空洞,任时光匆匆。

    The nights without sleep , only heartbeat accompanied by empty , the rush time .

  4. 康塞尔重复说,他心跳动着。

    Conseil repeated , his heart pounding .

  5. 青春的激情燃烧着记忆的碎片,温暖的心跳清除着感动的泪水。

    Memories of youthful passion burning debris removal with a warm heart touched by the tears .

  6. 他的心跳速度吓着了护士。

    His heart was beating at a pace which frightened the nurses .

  7. 你的心跳在歌唱着什么?

    What does your heartbeat sing ?

  8. 尽管如此,他发出这些论调时所表现的力量,眼里所闪出的光#和面都表情的认真仍然叫她悸动心跳,吸引着她,尽管她并不赞成。

    Nevertheless , while she disapproved of them , the strength of their utterance , and the flashing of eyes and earnestness of face that accompanied them , always thrilled her and drew her toward him .