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  1. 那本“心理科学月刊”杂志对此的研究如是说:“从对棒球比赛,高考,和实验室工作等的研究表明,人们喜欢达到整数位数字的工作目标”。

    That 's according to a study in the journal Psychological Science . [ Devin Pope and Uri Simonsohn , " Round Numbers as Goals : Evidence From Baseball , SAT Takers , and the Lab " ]

  2. 她的研究团队通过实验发现,对生理需求的屈从会促使人们去寻求更多满足。这项研究将发表在心理科学协会的月刊《心理科学》上。

    Her team 's experiments , which will be outlined in Psychological Science , a journal of the Association for Psychological Science , found giving in to our bodily needs opens the floodgates to wanting more fulfilments .