
  • 网络Secrets of the Heart;Secret Of My Heart
  1. 跳舞过程中,他们也向对方吐露彼此心中的秘密。

    They also reveal some secrets about each other while dancing .

  2. 琼觉得她只有向她妈妈倾吐心中的秘密。

    Jone felt she could only confide in her mother .

  3. 约翰觉得他可以向兄弟倾吐心中的秘密。

    John felt he could confide in his brother .

  4. 他表露了他心中的秘密。

    He unlocked the secrets of his heart .

  5. 把心中的秘密说出来

    BRING OUT The Heart Secret

  6. 这一切都是爱为你们所做的,使你们或许能从中领悟自己心中的秘密,

    All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart

  7. 经过我耐心细致的诱导和帮助,她终于说出了心中的秘密,走出了青春期的迷惘。

    I patiently and carefully through the induction and help , she finally say to him a secret , out of the adolescent confusion .

  8. 自从检测出来结果,这两个月里藏在心中的秘密让他一直失眠,在他的情况下,“我可以睡了”是多么珍贵的几个字。

    The dark secret he carried for two months since he found out that he has HIV caused severe insomnia.I-can-sleep-now are four precious words for anyone in this situation .

  9. 这些都是爱为你做的事情,使你知道自己心中的秘密,从而使你的认知成为生命之中的华章。

    All these things shall love do unto that you may know the secrets of your heart , and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life 's heart .

  10. 10.作家心中的每个秘密,生活的每次经历,脑中的每次思考,都在其作品中被放大。

    10 . Every secret of a writer 's soul , every experience of his life , every quality of his mind , is written large in his works .

  11. 这些没有答案的问题成为我的家人心中摆脱不掉的秘密,也是姥姥心头的一个沉重负担&我轻易看不到她的笑容。

    These unanswered questions became my family 's secret obsession , and a terrible burden for my grandmother . I hardly ever saw her smile .