
  • At the End of Daybreak;The Devil Inside;Demons
  1. 他个人的心魔让他多年以来酗酒度日。

    His private demons drove him to drink excessively for many years .

  2. 对付心魔和软弱是我的工作。

    Inner demons and human frailty is my life 's work .

  3. 虽然夺心魔预计会在本季回归,但是除了它之外第三季还会出现一个新危险,导演Duffer兄弟说它会是“始料未及的”。

    Although the Mind Flayer is expected to make a comeback in the new seasons , there will also be a new danger in Season 3 that the Duffer Brothers have only described as " unexpected . "

  4. 这部小说是为了祛除他的心魔。

    This novel is an attempt to exorcize his personal demons .

  5. 我们现在是谈你与心魔的问题。

    We 're talking about you and your inner demons .

  6. 她决定留下面对她的心魔

    She decided to stick around and face her demons .

  7. 你曾说过想见自己的心魔。

    You spoke once of wanting to meet your demon .

  8. 他为心魔所困扰,那可追溯至他饱受创伤的童年。

    He is plagued by demons which go back to his traumatic childhood .

  9. 也许你真有需要面对这心魔。

    I guess you gotta face your demons sometime .

  10. 她觉得我必须面对心魔

    She thinks I have to face my demons .

  11. 卡拉不管你正在抗争怎样的心魔

    Kara , whatever demons you 're struggling with ,

  12. 我找到了一份可以反映人们心魔的职业。

    I 've made a fine career turning the hard mirror on other people .

  13. 人不是命运的囚徒,只会成为他们自己心魔的囚徒。

    Men are not prisoners of fate , but only prisoners of their own minds .

  14. 它就这样打破我的心魔,打破我的枷锁

    Breaking my heart and breaking my chains

  15. 我想面对我的心魔。

    I want to face my demons .

  16. 朋友说,终究应该战胜的是自己的心魔!

    The friend says that finally should what to win is the own heart is evil !

  17. 我的心魔你快快消逝。

    May my enemies get blind .

  18. 死魇唤醒目标的心魔,杀伤活物或医治不死者。

    Deathmare awake the inside demon of the target to damage the living one or heal the undead one .

  19. 然而,在公众场合它释放了那些强烈支持将细胞核移植技术应用于人类克隆的那些科学家的心魔,相关的研究仍在继续。

    While in the public arena it raised the specter of maverick scientists vigorously applying nuclear transfer to make human clones , the research continued .

  20. 云翔帮助我了解云海一生所面对的矛盾、心魔与挑战。

    Scud helped me a lot in finding out about Ivan 's mindset throughout his life , and explained the inner struggles , demons and challenges he faced .

  21. 在飞行结束前,我会悲惨像个失败者,沉溺于抗抑郁药并且受到心魔的控制。

    Before the flight is over , I am back to feeling like a pathetic loser who is addicted to antidepressants and at the mercy of an evil empire .

  22. 进入“游泳倦怠期”后,埃文痴迷过摇滚乐,挑战过心魔,甚至还把第一枚金牌卖给了慈善机构。

    His " swimmer 's burnout " period in between saw him pursue a love of rock music , battle personal demons and even sell his first gold medal to charity .

  23. 不过从个人角度来说,我希望看到荷兰获胜,就算没有其他理由,我也希望他们能击败导致其在上世纪70年代两次输掉决赛的心魔。

    Yes , personally , I would have liked to see the Netherlands win , if for no other reason than to vanquish the demons that linger from losing in two finals in the1970s .

  24. 但故事的最后,笑到最后的依然是勇士们。面对人声嘈杂的对方主场助威声,以及末节7分落后的大坑,勇士双管齐下,一鼓作气,彻底抹去了困扰他们一年之久的心魔。

    But in the end , it was the Warriors ' stars who survived a raucous environment , a two-pronged offensive attack and a seven-point fourth quarter hole , erasing many of the demons that plagued them from a season ago .