
xīn jī
  • scheming;thinking
心机 [xīn jī]
  • [thinking] 心计;机谋

  • 枉费心机

心机[xīn jī]
  1. 若李宇是一个心机过重之人,事情必定不会做得如此明目张胆。

    If Li Yu is a person with over-weight scheming , the affair necessarily can 't do thus aboveboard defiant actly .

  2. 四川省驿运管理处为四川省办战时驿运筹措经费可谓费尽了心机,近似乞求,尽历艰难。

    It may be said that Post-station Transportation Administrative Office of Sichuan province for collecting the budget had run out the scheming to beg humbly .

  3. 约翰尼是追她的人中最痴心、最没有心机的一个。

    Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers .

  4. 她年龄不大,但很有心机。

    Young as she is , she has a mind of her own .

  5. 治疗胃反流的另一类药物——H2受体拮抗剂/阻滞剂(如甲胺呋硫、泰胃美和法莫替丁等)则与心机梗死无相关性。

    There was no association of heart attack with another class of drugs used to treat gastric reflux , H2 blockers like Zantac , Tagamet and Pepcid .

  6. 所设计的双向热定心机的主要特点是:采用全液压驱动,高强度机架,具有适应不同定尺长度的能力,首次实现了定心孔深度可调、定心速度可调,双向定心精度达到4mm。

    In this machine , there are major characteristics such as fully hydraulic driving , high strength case frame , adjusting the distance to fixed length . Frist the center hole depth can be implemented and its velocity can be adjusted and bi-directional hot centering precision achieves 4 mm .

  7. 细长机壳与定子铁心机加工艺

    Process for Machining the Thin and Long Enclosure and Stator Core

  8. 心机女会把心头好藏起来等回头再买

    Clever bitches hide stuff they want to come back and buy

  9. 经皮球囊二尖瓣成形术前后的心机图分析

    Analysis of Mechanocardiogram before and after Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty

  10. 这个人心机“很”重。

    This guy 's trouble , but as bad as he is .

  11. 他试图欺骗他的父母,但是白费心机。

    He sought to deceive his parents but in vain .

  12. 我们试图解决他们的分歧,然而却是白费心机。

    We tried in vain to fix up their difference .

  13. 月下的我们,少了些许算计和心机,却多了几分对情感的专注。

    In moonlight we become less calculating , more drawn to our feelings .

  14. 尽管反对党费尽了心机,还是在大选中遭到了失败。

    The opposing parties failed in the general election for all their pains .

  15. 鲍勃使警察的搜寻白费心机。

    Bob led the police on a wild-goose chase .

  16. 我想我也不必为你再费心机了。

    I saw no reason why I should bother with you any more .

  17. 维多利亚提醒我你颇有心机

    Victoria warned me you were a little tricky ,

  18. 溺水者白费心机地呼救。

    The drowning man called in vain for help .

  19. 所有医生的努力都白费心机,那个人最后还是死了。

    All the doctor 's were in vain and the man finally died .

  20. 管坯液压定心机的改进

    Improvement of hydraulic centre mechine with tube blank

  21. 他企图贿赂老师让他过关却白费心机。

    He tried in vain to get to the teacher to pass the test .

  22. 心里有了这个念头之后,他就费了相当的心机设法使其实现。

    Having conceived the idea he proceeded to carry it out with considerable finesse .

  23. 六块钱心机女手到擒来

    Six bucks clever bitch . Bang bang !

  24. 那你说现在谁又在耍心机你们来看看这个

    Now who 's manipulating who ? Hey , guys . Check this out .

  25. 质量定心机在曲轴大批量生产中的作用

    Mass-centering Machine Act on lots of Crankshaft Manufacturing

  26. 他对这些心机巧诈毫无兴趣,

    He had no taste for these intrigues ,

  27. 因为大多数人的我们都有心机。

    Because many of us we have agendas .

  28. 伙计们想把这窝狐狸赶走就算了,可是王获楠另有心机。

    The workmen chased them away , but that wouldn 't do for Wang Huonan .

  29. 我不喜欢他的个性。他对事情总是很有心机。

    I don 't like his personality because he 's always so sketchy with things .

  30. 但是凯瑟琳并不在里面等着我去拯救何必再费心机

    Granted , Katherine wasn 't in there to be rescued , But why dwell ?