
qì rú bì lǚ
  • cast aside like an old shoe;be left in the basket;cast aside sb. as a pair of old shoes;cast away like a pair of wornout shoes
弃如敝履[qì rú bì lǚ]
  1. 你又弃之如敝履。

    To throw away like garbage .

  2. 在没有明确卖出信号的情况下,科技股似乎一下被股民弃之如敝履。

    Without a clear sell signal , tech stocks seemed to slip into some kind of investor oblivion .

  3. 你的工作关系曾经处得很友好,他们却侵犯你的权利,弃你如敝履,这种做法更加不可宽恕。

    The fact that you 've had an amicable working relationship makes it even more inexcusable for them to infringe your rights or treat you shabbily .