
  • 网络juliet;Julie;juliette;JULIA
  1. 在婚礼前Richard准备拍一些结婚照片。奶妈正在帮茱丽叶把她的结婚礼服准备妥当。

    Richard 's going to take some wedding pictures before the ceremony . The nurse was helping Juliet get her wedding clothes ready .

  2. 茱丽叶正在折叠她的晚宴礼服并整理床铺。

    Juliet was folding her banquet gown and making her bed .

  3. 他想尽快让茱丽叶和巴利斯结婚。

    He wanted Juliet to marry Paris as soon as possible .

  4. 请打开墓室的门,并将我的尸体安放在茱丽叶的身旁吧。

    Please open the tomb and place me next to Juliet .

  5. 奶妈正在帮茱丽叶把她的结婚礼服准备妥当。

    The nurse was helping Juliet get her wedding clothes ready .

  6. 茱丽叶正在她房间的阳台上,看着下面的花园。

    Juliet was on her balcony looking down at the garden .

  7. 茱丽叶震惊得脸色苍白,并努力控制自己的情绪。

    Juliet went white with shock and tried to control herself .

  8. 她拉起其中一袭帘幕看着茱丽叶。

    She pulled one of the curtains back and looked at juliet .

  9. 我觉得茱丽叶昨天的表现恰恰说明了这一点。

    I think that 's what Julie was banging on about yesterday .

  10. 他听到茱丽叶在他头顶上方发出一声叹息。

    He heard Juliet let out a sigh above him .

  11. 茱丽叶一边想,眼光一边继续追随着那名男子。

    Juliet thought as she continued to stare after him .

  12. 巴利斯决心不让罗密欧接近茱丽叶。

    Paris was determined not to let Romeo near juliet .

  13. 茱丽叶忽然看到罗密欧手里的瓶子。

    Juliet suddenly noticed the bottle in romeo 's hand .

  14. 茱丽叶惊讶地往下看,心头小鹿乱撞。

    Juliet looked down in surprise and her heart raced .

  15. 她摇了摇茱丽叶僵硬的躯体,然后尖叫了起来。

    She shook Juliet 's lifeless body and then screamed .

  16. 他既快乐又兴奋,因为茱丽叶现在是他的妻子了。

    He was happy and excited because Juliet was now his wife .

  17. 茱丽叶跪在他面前,祈求他的原谅。

    Juliet knelt down in front of him and asked for forgiveness .

  18. “你是这么认为的吗?”茱丽叶问道。

    Is that what you think ? @ asked juliet .

  19. “罗密欧杀了提伯特?”茱丽叶几乎不敢相信这个消息。

    Romeo killed tybalt ? @ juliet could hardly believe the news .

  20. “那么我就这么做吧,”茱丽叶静静地说道。

    Then so be it , @ juliet said quietly .

  21. 马沙将扮演茱丽叶的角色。

    Martha is going to play the role of juliet .

  22. “你怎么知道我住在哪儿呢?”茱丽叶问道。

    How did you know where I live ? @ asked juliet .

  23. 他们是现代的罗密欧和茱丽叶。

    They 're truly Romeo and Juliet without the dying .

  24. “天气实在太热了,”茱丽叶想着。

    This sun is too hot , @ thought juliet .

  25. 他焦急地等待着茱丽叶的消息。

    He was anxious to hear news of juliet .

  26. 我的老天,茱丽叶,先别死

    Oh , my god . Don 't kill yourself yet , Juliet .

  27. 他惊讶地发现,茱丽叶虽然已死去,她的面容却一点也没有改变。

    He was surprised to see how unchanged she looked even in death .

  28. 有天晚上罗米欧决定暸要和茱丽叶私奔。

    Romeo decides to elope with Juliette one night .

  29. 茱丽叶:为表示我的慷慨,我要把它重新给你。

    Juliet : But to be frank , and give it thee again .

  30. 茱丽叶又想到下午发生的事。

    Juliet thought about what happened in the afternoon .