
  • Julia;Juilliard;Julia Child
  1. 茱莉亚每周都去看望她的祖父母。

    Every week , Julia would go to visit her grandparents .

  2. 然后,茱莉亚在街上和小提琴手一起表演。

    Then , Julia gave performances with the violinist in the street .

  3. 大家都很惊讶。他们知道茱莉亚喜欢小提琴。

    Everyone was surprised . They knew that Julia liked the violin .

  4. 他们以为茱莉亚什么也没做。

    They thought Julia wasn 't doing anything .

  5. 一天,茱莉亚带着一把小提琴来为全家演奏。

    One day , Julia came with a violin and played it for the family .

  6. 凯文担任CEO;茱莉亚任总裁。

    Kevin serves as CEO ; Julia as president .

  7. 这个名叫茱莉亚的机器人可以报告股指、天气预报,还能播放CD。

    This robot named Julia can provide the stocks index , weather report and play music Cd 's.

  8. 此外,他曾在纽约茱莉亚音乐学院(JuilliardSchool)跟随罗伯特·马恩(RobertMann)学习。

    He also studied with Robert Mann at the Juilliard School in New York .

  9. 命运的概念反复出现在和茱莉亚・罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)的交谈中。

    THE CONCEPT OF FATE comes up a lot in conversation with Julia Roberts . '

  10. Nathaniel从茱莉亚音乐学院辍学,他完全崩溃了

    Nathaniel dropped out of Juilliard , he suffered a complete breakdown ,

  11. 这部集合了茱莉亚•罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)、马克•鲁弗洛(MarkRuffalo)和马修•波莫(MattBomer)的影片将于2014年上映。

    The film , which stars Julia Roberts , Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer , will air in 2014 .

  12. 托马斯•达文波特(ThomasDavenport)和茱莉亚•柯比(JuliaKirby)警告称,与卡斯帕罗夫一样,人类可能轻易将未来拱手让给机器。

    Thomas Davenport and Julia Kirby warn that humans could , like Kasparov , cede the future to machines too easily .

  13. 喜剧类最佳女演员:茱莉亚•路易斯-德瑞弗斯(JuliaLouis-Dreyfus),《副总统》(Veep)

    Actress in a Comedy Series : Julia Louis-Dreyfus , " Veep "

  14. 这就是茱莉亚最拿手的:维护他们真实的生活,尼科尔斯说。自从罗伯茨参演了他2004年执导的《偷心》(Closer)之后,他们就一直保持联系。

    ' That 's what Julia has been best at , maintaining their real life , ' says Nichols , who has been a constant reassuring presence for Roberts since directing her in 2004 's Closer .

  15. 我为很多优秀的女星设计过红毯装:茱莉亚•路易斯•德利法斯(JuliaLouis-Dreyfus)、桑德拉•布洛克(SandraBullock)、詹妮弗•洛佩慈(JenniferLopez)——太多了。

    I 've dressed amazing women : Julia Louis-Dreyfus , Sandra Bullock , Jennifer Lopez ─ there have been so many .

  16. 命运的概念反复出现在和茱莉亚&12539;罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)的交谈中。她会说:我可不想和神明闹着玩,;或者我不想试探命运。

    THE CONCEPT OF FATE comes up a lot in conversation with Julia Roberts . ' I don 't want to toy with the gods , ' she 'll say .

  17. 担任主刀医生德里克(Derek)原本已打算让茱莉亚退出这台手术,不过茱莉亚一鼓作气,成功地挽救了病人的眼睛。

    It was touch and go for quite some time and Derek was ready to pull her from the surgery , but she rallied and saved the eye .

  18. CNN资深医疗特派员桑杰·古普塔:对何吉米而言,在名校茱莉亚音乐学院学习大提琴只不过是他忙碌人生中的一小部分而已。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : For Jimmy Hom , studying cello at the elite Juilliard : Music School is just one part of a busy life .

  19. 对公司团队的认同会让我们无视《站在太阳之上》(StandingontheSun)作者茱莉亚•科尔比和克里斯•梅尔所说的“竞争崇拜”,这会阻碍那种能产生真正创新的合作。

    And identification with the corporate team can blind us to what Julia Kirby and Chris Meyer , co-authors of standing on the sun , call the " cult of competition , " which prevents the kind of cooperation that produces real innovation .

  20. 2004年在怀夏素和芬恩的时候,她的名气已经是如日中天,当时她在拍摄《十二罗汉》(Ocean'sTwelve),编剧甚至为她修改了剧本,让她在剧中的人物假装成怀孕了的茱莉亚・罗伯茨。

    She had become so famous by the time she was expecting Hazel and Finn , her part in 2004 's Ocean 's Twelve was rewritten so that her character could pretend to be a pregnant Julia Roberts .

  21. •茱莉亚•哈茨,Eventbrite联合创始人

    • Julia Hartz , co-founder , eventbrite

  22. Corel公司的参与,有一段时间协助项目,主要由用人茱莉亚和其他工作。

    The involvement of Corel for a time assisted the project , chiefly by employing Julliard and others to work on it .

  23. 据TMZ报道,茱莉亚·罗伯茨的侄女、22岁的艾玛7月7日在蒙特利尔因和男友打架被逮捕,她还把26岁的男友彼得斯打出血了。

    The 22-year-old niece of actress Julia Roberts was taken into custody on July 7 in Montreal after getting into a fight with her beau that left 26-year-old Peters bloody , according to TMZ .

  24. 茱莉亚学院(JuilliardSchool)周一宣布,准备推进在中国的扩张计划。学院已“初步获得批准”,与中国的几家合作伙伴一起,在天津兴建一所可以提供硕士学位课程的学校。

    The Juilliard School announced on Monday that it was moving forward with plans to expand in China , saying that it had received " preliminary approval " to build , with several Chinese partners , a school in Tianjin that would offer a master 's degree program .

  25. 该校周一表示,天津茱莉亚学院预计在2018年开校,校舍由DillerScofidio+Renfro设计。茱莉亚纽约总部校区的扩建工作也是由这家设计师事务所负责的。

    It said on Monday that it expected to open its Tianjin Juilliard School in 2018 , in a new facility designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro , which worked on the expansion of its New York home .

  26. 甜姐儿大嘴罗伯茨日前为意大利著名品牌Lavazza咖啡拍摄45秒的天价广告,据传,茱莉亚·罗伯茨拍摄这则广告获得120万欧元的广告费呢。

    But perhaps America 's Sweetheart Julia Roberts is attempting to claw back to the top spot , after agreeing to appear in a 45-second advertisement for Italian coffee house Lavazza - for the hefty fee of 1.2 million euros ( ? 1.14 million ) .

  27. 创始人:杰西卡•麦修斯,茱莉亚•西尔弗曼

    Founder ( s ) : Jessica O. Matthews and Julia Silverman

  28. 艾立克?罗勃兹恰巧是茱莉亚?罗勃兹的哥哥。

    Eric Roberts just happens to be Julia Roberts big brother .

  29. 茱莉亚将把伊莎贝拉介绍给她的哥哥杰克。

    Julia would later introduce Isabella to her brother , Jack .

  30. 对,茱莉亚还逼你爸。

    Yeah , so Jules makes your dad buy you that .