
  1. 尽管发展中国家也努力要建立一个反对联盟,美国却不断利用其特别301条款教训那些不听话的国家,并试图分化发展中国家。

    Although developing countries tried to create a coalition of the unwilling , the United States used its new Section 301 to discipline recalcitrant nations and to split the alliance .

  2. 去年,反对党联盟在全国普选中赢得多数选票,但马来西亚总理纳吉布(NajibRazak)领导的政府获得国会多数席位,从而得以继续执政。

    Last year , the opposition alliance won a majority of the popular vote in national elections , but Prime Minister Najib Razak 's government held on to power after winning a majority of the seats in Malaysia 's parliament .

  3. 双方基本上在内阁成员的人数上基本取得了共识,由反对党联盟和执政党“非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”平分。

    The number of cabinet posts has largely been agreed and they would be split evenly between the opposition allies and ZANU-PF .

  4. 当天稍早前,独立议员博比·凯特宣布支持阿博特,但他的一票未能使反对党联盟最终获胜。

    Earlier in the day , Independent MP Bob Katter said he would support Abbott , although that wasn 't enough to tip the balance to the Coalition .

  5. 反对酒馆联盟代表了转型时期中产阶级的社会责任感,它从新教思想中汲取力量,组织模仿了现代企业运行模式,给政党施压。

    Anti-saloon League represented the middle class with strong social responsibility , it obtained power from the protestant mentality , copied the running patterns of modern corporations , and imposed pressure on the parties .

  6. 前总理谢里夫领导的党派在选举中名列第二。他的党与已故对手布托的党联手,组成了一个反对穆沙拉夫的联盟。

    The runner-up party , led by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif , has joined the party of his rival , the late Ms. Bhutto , to form an anti-Musharraf coalition .

  7. 叙利亚革命和反对势力国家联盟活动家哈提姆·马拉赫指出在埃及有上百名叙利亚人已经被警方逮捕,或当街殴打,而其他人则被驱逐出境。

    Activist Haitham Maleh , of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces , noted that hundreds of Syrians in Egypt have been arrested by police or beaten in the streets , while others have been deported .

  8. 面对美国和日本不断努力在亚洲巩固新的安全关系,王冠中表示,中国既反对构建军事联盟的做法,也反对任何国家谋求垄断地区安全事务。

    In the face of mounting efforts by the US and Japan to shore up new security relationships in Asia , Gen Wang said China opposed both the practice of building military alliances and attempts by any country to dominate regional affairs .

  9. 协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。

    Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany .

  10. 较小的反对党台湾团结联盟(TaiwanSolidarityUnion)提起诉讼,指控马英九煽动外国侵略,牺牲台湾安全。

    And the smaller opposition Taiwan Solidarity Union party filed a suit accusing the president of abetting ' foreign aggression ' and compromising national security .

  11. 通过减轻内布拉斯加州自然保护者的忧虑,石油管道运输公司狡猾的暗中破坏反对管道运输的联盟。

    And by defusing the concerns of conservationists in Nebraska , TransCanada is shrewdly undermining the coalition against the pipeline .

  12. 那边有的是联邦爱国者,他们并不反对卖东西给联盟来赚大钱呀。

    There are plenty of sturdy Union patriots who are not averse to picking up money selling goods to the Confederacy .

  13. 反对党人民民主联盟在这里为示威者安排了帐篷和椅子,向他们提供食品和饮料,还有一个为人民民主联盟领导人讲话准备的讲台。

    The anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy has set up tents and seats and provides demonstrators food and drink . There is a stage where PAD leaders give speeches .

  14. 但是匈牙利中间偏右的主要反对党青年民主联盟-匈牙利公民联盟对政府接受金融援助计划提出批评,说此举可能使匈牙利的主权受到损害。

    But Hungary 's main center-right opposition party , Fidesz , has criticized the government for accepting the financial rescue package , saying it could compromise the country 's sovereignty .

  15. 但是,主要的反对党全国民主联盟和其他人权团体强烈谴责政府推出的宪法草案,说这个草案的目的就是让军方继续掌权。

    But the main opposition party , the National League for Democracy , and other rights groups condemn the draft constitution , which they say will only keep the military in power .

  16. 普拉昌达:我们从一开始就说过如果谁试图反对我们(党联盟,毛主义者)间签定的协议,那就是背叛尼泊尔人民。

    Prachanda : We had said in the very beginning that whoever will try to go against the earlier agreements between us ( SPA , Maoists ) will be betraying the Nepali people .

  17. 制度系统演化的非帕累托性质使得其演化成功的概率取决于演化的方式和拥护演化的群体联盟与反对演化的群体联盟之间的力量对比。

    Second , the probability of the non-Pareto character of institutional system making evolution successful depends on the evolutive means and the comparative power between the colony alliance with supporting evolution and with opposing evolution .

  18. 与会的各方包括:一个反对政变的政党联盟、如今掌握政权的军事团体的代表、上届当选的政府,各方均要求进行对话之前解决一些问题。

    The parties , which include a coalition of political parties opposing the coup , representatives of the military junta now in charge of the country , and the former elected government , all insisted on addressing certain issues before beginning talks .

  19. 因为除了正义,我们不指望从法律得到什么,社会主义者于是认为我们反对友爱、反对团结、反对组织,反对联盟。

    Because we ask so little from the law only justice the socialists thereby assume that we reject fraternity , unity , organization , and association .

  20. 德国政府组成的变化,可能预示着德国政坛更加对抗时代的来临,因为较为强硬的中左翼反对党将联合重振旗鼓的工会,反对中右翼联盟。

    The change of government could herald a more confrontational phase in German politics as a stronger left-of-centre opposition links up with reinvigorated trade unions against the centre-right coalition .