
  • 网络Anti-monopoly review;antitrust scrutiny
  1. 欧共体企业横向并购反垄断审查制度研究

    Research on the EC Anti-monopoly Review System of Horizontal M & A between Undertakings

  2. 专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。

    Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy .

  3. 在美国,FTC与美国司法部一道开展反垄断审查。

    The FTC conducts antitrust reviews in the US alongside the justice department .

  4. 分析师表示,任何交易都会受到严密的反垄断审查。

    Analysts said any deal would face intense antitrust scrutiny .

  5. 谷歌以前在大西洋两岸都曾遭遇过反垄断审查。

    Google has faced antitrust reviews on both sides of the Atlantic before .

  6. 这项合并必须面对欧盟和美国的反垄断审查。

    It must face EU and US antitrust scrutiny .

  7. 效率是知识产权许可与合并反垄断审查的目标。

    Efficiency shall be the goal of antitrust review of patent licensing and convergence .

  8. 浅析外资并购国有企业的反垄断审查

    The Research of Anti-Monopoly Review for M & A of Domestic State-Owned Enterprises by Foreign Investors

  9. 经营者集中的反垄断审查包括实体和程序审查标准,还涉及国家安全审查制度。

    Antitrust review of concentration includes physical and procedural standards and involves review of national economic security .

  10. 专利许可的反垄断审查认定包括本身违法以及合理原则。

    The rule for antitrust review of patent licensing shall include per se illegal and reasonable analysis .

  11. 效率抗辩是经营者在集中进入反垄断审查程序后为自己辩护的重要权利。

    Efficiency defense is an important right for undertakings defense themselves in the proceedings of anti-monopoly examination .

  12. 破产公司抗辩制度是企业合并反垄断审查中的一个重要的豁免理由。

    The Failing Firm Defense is a significant reason for exemption in antitrust scrutiny in companies ' mergers .

  13. 通过附加结构性、行为性等一系列限制性条件,反垄断审查机关可以消除集中可能产生的反竞争损害效果。

    Through adding series structural and behavioral restrictions , antitrust authority can eliminate the harmful effects of undertakings concentration .

  14. 为了保证市场的有效竞争,对外资并购境内企业实行反垄断审查就显得尤为重要。

    So in order to protect the market competition , in foreign capital M & A is especially important .

  15. 但商务部仍在对该收购计划进行反垄断审查,还未予以批准。

    Yet it still has no nod from the ministry of commerce , which is reviewing the takeover on antitrust grounds .

  16. 跨国并购中的专利问题包括专利的审慎性调查与评估、专利交易模式、专利的反垄断审查等方面。

    The patent-related transaction issues during cross-border MA include due diligence and evaluation of patent , mode of patent transaction and anti-trust investigation .

  17. 由于华盛顿的反对势力去年阻止了雅虎与谷歌的搜索合作计划,该交易将面临严格的反垄断审查。

    The deal will face intense antitrust scrutiny , since opposition in Washington blocked a proposed Yahoo search deal with Google last year .

  18. 本文即是选择了经营者集中控制领域中相当重要而现有研究又相对薄弱的经营者集中反垄断审查程序展开讨论。

    In this article , the main research is that is very important and relatively weak operator focused on anti-monopoly review process to discuss .

  19. 在知识产权贸易中,知识产权许可协议中普遍存在着限制性条款,这些限制性条款是引起反垄断审查的重要原因。

    The restrictive clauses met in international licensing trade always give rise all kinds of difficulties of negotiation and maybe result in invalidity of contract .

  20. 尽管中国燃气以该收购要约属机会主义性质为由迅速予以拒绝,但中石化和新奥能源仍然向监管机构提交了审批申请,包括反垄断审查申请。

    Although that offer was swiftly rejected by the company as opportunistic , Sinopec and ENN still submitted applications for regulatory approvals , including anti-monopoly approvals .

  21. 首先介绍经营者集中的概念和种类,然后介绍经营者集中反垄断审查的含义、经济学基础和法学基础。

    It firstly introduces concepts and types of concentration of business operators , and then describes the implications , economics foundation and legal basis of antitrust review .

  22. 此项判决是中国在反垄断审查中首次动用2008年8月获得的法定权力,强制要求处置境外的资产。

    The ruling marks the first time that China has used powers introduced in August 2008 to compel disposals outside the mainland as part of an anti-monopoly review .

  23. 在反垄断审查时,相关执法部门首先要确定产品的相关市场,其主要包括产品市场和地域市场。

    In order to decide whether to start the anti-trust review process , we must first define the relevant product market , which include product market and geographic market .

  24. 本月早些时候,国家市场监管总局宣布对阿里巴巴、阅文和深圳丰巢处以罚款,原因是这些公司未申报接受反垄断审查的交易。

    Earlier this month , the State Administration of Market Regulation announced fines on Alibaba , China Literature , and Shenzhen Hive Box for not reporting deals anti-trust reviews .

  25. 由于我国经营者集中反垄断审查起步较晚,虽然在反垄断执法原则、自然垄断、过度竞争、行政垄断等方面取得了一定成果。

    Although the antitrust regulation for Chinese concentration of undertakings is late , it has achieved certain results in antitrust enforcement principle , natural monopoly , excessive competition and administrative monopoly .

  26. 第五章介绍了我国外资并购反垄断审查的立法概况和执法机构建设,指出现有制度中的不足之处,提出了完善建议。

    The fifth chapter presents a foreign acquisition antitrust review legislation survey and law enforcement agencies , and points out that the existing system construction of deficiency , puts forward improvement suggestions .

  27. 然而,在仅一页的反垄断审查决定中,中国商务部还出人意料地做出了一些限制,这些限制将阻止英博进一步收购中国啤酒市场上四家重要企业的权益。

    However , in a single-page ruling , MOFCOM also imposed a number of unanticipated restrictions that will prevent InBev acquiring further interests in four key players in the Chinese beer market .

  28. 类似地,针对资本主义和“贪婪”的反弹,已被当作理由,要进行更多反垄断审查,要对一系列市场加大监管力度,还要扩大对医疗和制药业的价格控制。

    Similarly , the backlash against capitalism and " greed " has been used to justify more antitrust scrutiny , greater regulation of a range of markets , and an expansion of price controls for healthcare and pharmaceuticals .

  29. 中国市场监管机构表示,将对阿里巴巴集团、腾讯支持的阅文集团和智能储物柜公司丰巢各罚款50万元人民币(约合7.6万美元),原因是这些公司未报告反垄断审查交易。

    China 's market regulator says it will fine Alibaba Group , Tencent-backed China Literature , and smart locker company Hive Box 500000 yuan , or roughly 76000 U.S. dollars , each for not reporting deals for anti-monopoly reviews .

  30. 第二章介绍了外资并购对我国经济的积极影响和消极影响,指出外资并购形成垄断的现状是我国对其反垄断审查的必然选择。

    The second chapter presents to our country economy of foreign-capital M A positive effects and negative effects , points out the foreign-capital M A form monopoly status quo is our country to its antitrust review of the inevitable choice .